Wednesday 12 September 2018

TXSJ's Mid-Year (SA1, 2018) Primary 6 Results - Got to "work that ass off"!

Mid-Year Examination (SA1) 2018.
Student: TXSJ
I am very proud that this student has continued to persevere despite the challenges.
It is not easy to get good grades.
The student himself or herself has to put his or her mind to it and has to work his or her ass off! There is no other way around it!
You reap what you sow, after all! Also, no pain, no gain! 
I am pleased to say that her efforts have paid off well! :) Cheers!! Please continue to work that ass off! *lol* :) :) :)

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work your ass off =to work very hard 

Got. To. Work. That. Ass. Off.

Star Pupils! A!! A!! A!! Another 3 outstanding performances for Mid-Year (SA1) 2018

Mid-Year Examinations (SA1) Marks.
Student: TSQR.
She has been with me since Primary 1 and it is wonderful to see how she has benefitted from the sessions that we have together. She continues to learn and perform well. She is indeed one of my Star Pupils! :) 

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Mid-Year Examination (SA1) Marks.
Student: LYJI.
He has been with me since Primary 2. How time flies! I am constantly amazed by how time never seems to slow down at all. On the contrary, time seems to accelerate with each passing year and I find myself quite breathless as I try to 'catch up with time' (which we all know is not possible)! 
Currently (2018), he is in Primary 5. The learning curve from P4 to P5 is exceedingly steep! Many students do not do so well in P5 even if they have been performing well in P4.
Thus, I am immensely proud and delighted that he has continued to do well! Snagging that A for Mid-Year 2018, P5, is absolutely awesome and I look forward to working with him to maintain the A.
We will, of course, aim for A* too! :) 

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Mid-Year Examination (SA1) 2018.
Student: FJXX
This student is supremely wonderful. She is consistent in her efforts and has a great learning attitude! She is very willing to learn and is extremely self-motivated. She's certainly another Star Pupil! :) 
Scoring 88.4% for her Primary 6 SA1 is superb! 
Thumbs-up!! :)  

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...