Thursday 24 January 2013

The Power and Wonder of Spelling!

A short and rather amusing post :)

As teachers, we always emphasise the need to learn how to spell accurately. Doing so enables students to correctly convey what they want to say and bring across their intended meanings. We want to communicate clearly and not be misunderstood! 

Let's take a look at these:

ULTRAVIOLENT rays! *Oh My Goodness! Can you visualise them? I can!!* --> Ultraviolet rays

RELIVE stress!! *Faints! Why would one do that?* --> RELIEVE stress

Cash VULTURES!!! *Cash What?!?!* --> Cash VOUCHERS 

And a very dear man introducing his wife-to-be as.... my FINANCE! *Laughs Out Loud! Not exactly wrong though, if you get what I mean?* --> my FIANCÉE :)

Are your sides aching by now from all that laughing?

Thus, we can see that spelling correctly is not a trivial matter! Get it right or get laughed at! :) Have fun going through your spelling lists! 

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