Monday 29 April 2013

2 + 2 is ?

Just for laughs: 2 + 2 is?

By theAsianparent | 19/04/2013
A funny joke to make you smile today! 2 + 2 is?
A little boy was doing his maths homework & saying:
2+5, the son of bitch is 7
3+6, the son of bitch is 9
His Mom: What are you doing?
Boy: I’m doing maths homework.
Mom: This is how your teacher taught you?
Boy: Yes. 
Infuriated, Mom asked the teacher the next day, “What are you teaching my son in maths?”
Teacher: Right now, we are learning addition.
Mom: You're teaching them to say 2+ 2, the son of bitch is 4?
Teacher after laughing: What I taught them was, 2+2, the sum of which is 4…
;) Hope theAsianparent and this post has managed to make you :):):) 

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