Thursday 27 March 2014

Good at English = Able to Make $$ (And who wouldn't want that?) :)

English Language has "power"! It has great economical value and thus, it is of utmost importance that everyone aims to master English Language. Pay close attention to it and actually LEARN IT -- look up the dictionary when you come across unfamiliar words, learn new vocabulary, check out how words are accurately pronounced, read more books (especially literary texts)... Immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of the English Language and you will benefit in more ways than one. One of the ways is that you get to make a living! :) How COOL IS THIS? :) :) *beams*

Nowadays, there are plenty of jobs that allow you to work from home. Here is one that you can apply for in Singapore:

Writer/Online Content Editor/Blogger 

Writing is a critical skill that 99% of people are capable of doing, but only about 20% of people actually enjoy doing it (or do it well for that matter). If you’ve got a passion for writing and have the flexibility to cover a broad range of topics, you can definitely land a writing job that doesn’t require you sit at a desk all day.
On the upside, you have the freedom to write from the comfort of your own home without dealing with the horrible morning commute or prison-like offices. On the downside, you really need to stay on top of tight deadlines. Otherwise, you might not be a work-at-home writer for long.
Requirements: Varies, as some jobs might not care about education level, while others will require a degree and several years of working experience. But one requirement most writing jobs have in common is that you should write proficiently in English.
Skills: Varies, as some jobs require content management system (CMS) experience, search engine optimization (SEO) experience, knowledge of a foreign language, etc.
Salary: Varies, as some jobs might pay you on an hourly basis ($5-$15) or a monthly salary ($1,000-$3,000+).

Source: (All information is credited to the original writer and the website stated. All information is used respectfully.) 

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