Friday 4 July 2014

Be the BEST ME/ YOU/ TOM DICK HARRY #causeiamawesomemyway

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” ~ Mother Teresa.

Spoke to my boy today. I call my students 'my boy' or 'my girl' with great affection and I shall do so here as well. He is not performing well in class. He is rather disruptive and uncooperative. He feels inferior compared to his older sister who is performing superbly in school. 

Spoke to him today and said, "R, there is no need to be upset about your big sister being better than you. No one wants you to be her. We just want YOU, to be the BEST YOU. We see YOU!" 

I continued, "We want you to put in your best effort and try your best. At present, you are not performing to your fullest potential. You can do so much better if you try your very best. Let there be no regrets in the future. Be able to say that you have done the best that you could. R, be the BEST YOU!" 

I could see his face light up a little. I was heartened and I hope that he will blossom and bloom beautifully in time to come. 

Then, I reflected on what I had said to R. Isn't it true that we can only be "The Best Me/ You/ Tom Dick Harry"? We are unique and different. To quote Mother Teresa: I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things. We should strive to be "The Best Me/ You/ Tom Dick Harry" every day and live each day to the fullest, without regrets. 

#causeiamawesomemyway :) :) :) 

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