Wednesday 14 March 2018

SHYE's Fabulous SA2 (2017) Scores! 96% For Primary 4 English! (14/14 34/36 13/14)

Immensely pleased with SHYE's excellent results for SA2 (2017)! :) :) :)

The pictures speak for themselves.

He scored FULL MARKS for Booklet A - 14/14!
He scored close to full marks for Booklet B - 34/36!
The overall score for his English Paper 2 was 48/50 (which is 96%)!

I believe that he told me that he was top in class for English Language!

I trust that he will continue to do well this year -- Primary 5 (2018).

6/7 38/42 41/45 IB Score for Year-End Examination 2017

Here's another happy news to share! :)

I received this text last year on Tuesday, 24 October 2017, after TWJH's Year-End IB Examination. 

He did 'Romeo and Juliet' for Year 4. Of course, there were other things that we covered as well but the main text was 'Romeo and Juliet'. 

He scored mainly 6s and 7s (out of 7). The lowest grade was for Chinese. If I recall correctly, he scored 5 out of 7 for Chinese. He scored 6/7 for English which is excellent! :) I'm sure he can get that 7 out of 7 for English if he works just that bit harder! 

I'm so proud of TWJH!! I've seen him grow up and I feel as much pride as his mother because he has done so well! :)

86% For Primary 5 English Language, SA2 (2017)

I have to be more prompt with my congratulatory posts! :)

Here's another (belated) announcement to make!

Last year, CXH performed very well for her Primary 5 Year-End Examination (SA2, 2017). I was and still am tremendously proud of her efforts! Bravo and Kudos! 

She has been with me since Primary 2 and I am overjoyed that because I have built a strong foundation for her with reference to English Language, she is doing well for Primary 6 English this year (2018).

*claps* *beams* *thumbs up* 

I look forward to her acing the PSLE! :)

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...