Friday 25 May 2018

Double Standards - Children Vs Grandchildren

Dearest Son spilled the ice cubes all over the kitchen floor because he yanked the ice tray too forcefully and the whole ice tray dropped. 

I did what most mothers would given the circumstances.
First, I took photographic evidence of the 'crime'.
Second, I sent pictures of said 'crime' to the family chat to whine and grumble.
Third, I cleared up the mess (but of course). 

My Dear Mother replied, "What a clever grandson! Oh, look at what he did! How adorable! He's so clever! He can open the fridge and take the ice tray by himself!" 

I mean... MUM?!?!  

Double Standards. Sheesh. 

If I had spilled the ice cubes all over, I would have gotten a severe tongue lashing. 

*** *** ***

Another occasion...

My Dear Daughter wanted to get her ears pierced.

My Dear Mother gushed, "Granddaughter, come, Grandma will get you diamond earrings." 

Double Standards. Sheesh again.

Hello?!?! Yoo Hoo! I'm still here!! *waves* How about me????!!!???

I got gold plated earrings for my first pair.
(Not even gold. Gold PLATED)

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