Thursday 9 November 2023

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for himself. 

Previously (and sometimes, he still is, but of course), he was too playful and prioritized having fun over his studies. 

Now that he is older, he has come to realize he needs to do well academically for himself/ his future. 

I am exceedingly proud to see how far he has come in one year - Primary 4 - and I am looking forward to seeing him grow/ develop further. 

The world is his oyster! His diligence and ambition coupled with correct coaching will enable him to reach his fullest potential. 

He has now tasted the sweet taste of success and I hope that he will remember this amazing feeling and continue to strive to do well academically for his own sake. Education is a privilege and actually, education/ being educated is quite fun! :)


Excellent Grades to Share :) from S2 student, S3 student & S4 student (Yr 2023)

Student, LYZC, has been with me since Secondary 1 and she is in Secondary 2 this year (2023). She scored A2 (overall) for English for 2023.
Within 2 years, she has improved a lot due to her own diligence and drive as well as through dedicated coaching. 
I strive to do my utmost for all students who come to me and I am always as proud as his/ her parent(s) whenever my students score well for their examinations. It is a partnership and I am thrilled to have the opportunity and privilege to help them master English Language and to eventually do well for the O Level examinations! 

After all, English Language is the L1 in L1R5 and in L1R4. It is, thus, of paramount importance for all students to perform well for English Language papers. :) 

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If I remember accurately, CYHT, came to me in Secondary 2 (or was it mid-way in Secondary 1). Hmm. He is in Secondary 3 this year (2023).
Anyway, his sister was my colleague for a while and upon finding out that I am (overly) earnest and dedicated to my students as an English Specialist/ English Coach *LOL* *HAHAHA*, she decided to put her brother under my care. 
As mentioned, a teacher-student relationship is a partnership and I am mighty pleased to say that he has tried very hard for himself. He follows instructions as well as he can and he pushes himself to do better with every piece/ practice. I am proud of him and how far he has come. 
If I remember accurately, he was getting B4/C5 previously. 
I am extremely proud that he has done so well - B3 (68%) - which means that we can now push up to As. :) I am looking forward to helping him further and to hearing more good news from CYHT. :)  

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Student, LJRB, came to me in Term 3 (2023) as a Secondary 4 student. This was because he was previously with another tutor and he found that he wasn't benefitting much from lessons with him after two terms. 
I told him and his mother that I would definitely try my utmost with him and of course, I told him that he had to put in his best effort. Thankfully, LJRB's foundation in English Language is all right and so, it was quite easy for us to move on and to catch up quickly. 
Within a short span of one term, he managed to get an A2 for English Language during the Graduating Examination (GE) aka the Prelim Exam. A2 was also his highest grade among all his other subjects. 
I am certainly overjoyed to see such good improvement in his English Language subject and I hope to hear good news next year (2024) when he receives his actual O Level results. 

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If you, too, would like an experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated English Specialist for PSLE and O Levels/ Year 4 (and even Year 5 and Year 6), please enquire with me! :)


#throwback to Oct 2022 - 2022 Secondary 4 Students


I have been with student, CXH, from Primary 2 to Year 4 (2022). 
Previously, I also taught her brother, CJH, for several years. 

Below: Testimonial from their wonderfully understanding mother who trusted me all these years to do my utmost for her two precious children. 

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I taught CadH from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4 (2022). She was delightful to coach because she was extremely self-driven and self-motivated to do very well for herself. I wish that more students are as ambitious and as diligent as she is. 

Below: Testimonial from CadH's mother and Cad herself. 
Additionally, CadH performed very well in the O Level examinations. She scored B3 for English language. Her overall score is brilliant! 

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I taught LPYC from Primary 5 to Secondary 4 (2022). 
She improved from C during her P6 Prelim Exams to B for PSLE itself. She improved by 1 whole grade which is very good! 
During her secondary school years, she struggled with English but we persevered and for her O Level examination, she managed to pass English (C6). Although we were both hoping for and gunning for C5 and better, it was a great thing that she passed because she could still enter JC with her score and she could opt for any Poly course of her choice without any issue at all. 
I have also have had the privilege and opportunity to coach her older sister, LJXM, and her younger sister, LERN. Her younger sister is in P6 (2023) and we are looking forward to hearing good news soon in Nov 2023.   

Wednesday 19 July 2023

K2 to P1 head start

Dear Parents, 

Please enquire and register for K2 to P1 head start with me, a specialist English Educator with 20 years of experience in guiding and coaching youths. 

I'll love to and it'll be my privilege to be able to take your precious child from Primary 1 to Primary 6 and from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4. :) 

SYJ has been with me since the very beginning of this year (2023) and according to his mother, he is performing very well in school for English Language as a P1 student. His teachers have commented that his foundation is strong. Of course, we are still working hard on building a solid foundation in English Language. He is, after all, only in P1 and he still has many more years of schooling ahead of him. 

SYJ has an older brother who is in S4 this year (2023). His brother was with me since end of P5. His parents contacted me as he was close to failing English Language in Upper Primary. With dedicated coaching, his older brother managed to get a B for English Language at PSLE which is at least 1 grade better than without coaching. Currently, WSYX, SYJ's brother, is working hard to do well for O Level English Language and I am providing all the support and materials that I possibly can as his tutor. 

In the pictures above, you can see P1 SYJ playing with toys that stimulate the mind after his lesson with me. He likes to end our sessions with a little bit of play time and both his mother and I agree that it is a great incentive for him. 

Enquire and register with me to give your precious darling a great head start in English Language. 

Building a solid foundation requires time and consistent effort. Thus, it is imperative to start as early as possible. After all, no matter how wealthy and powerful one is, one cannot buy back time. It is best to start students early so that they have ample time (and less stress) to learn and grow! :)

Let's empower children/ students by giving them a solid foundation in English. Children/ Students who do well in English tend to excel in other subjects like Math and Science too. :) 

Warmest wishes,
English Educator/ Specialist 
20 July 2023 

Friday 3 March 2023

It is not about being "kiasu"!

Referring to the Student Learning Space, MOE’s core platform for online teaching and learning, Mr Chan quipped that there is “no need to go and buy other schools’ exam papers – try our SLS for free”.

But will “kiasu” families still spend heavily on the billion-dollar private tuition industry to secure a competitive advantage for their children, something which was raised during the Budget debate as a key expense item by the sandwiched middle class?


I refer to (part of) the news article stated above. 

Sending children for extra classes, enrichment classes, tuition lessons and so on does not make parents or families "kiasu". Far from it! In fact, parents who send their children and spend heavily on this industry are pragmatic parents who are trying their utmost to do something right for their children and to invest (heavily) in their precious offspring. 

What is so wrong about wanting to learn more and to get extra help / support? Parents are not able to do everything themselves. For example, parents may not be able to properly guide their children on their academic subjects. To me, sending children for tuition is a must. Sending children for tuition is useful and helpful and a highly practical solution. Parents should not be wrongfully labelled as "kiasu" for wanting to do their best for their children. 

Everyone uses his/her (often limited) resources differently. There is nothing wrong at all with parents portioning their resources to help their children do well academically. After all, isn't human resource one of the most important resources? There is nothing wrong with parents investing in their children. Isn't this what responsible, loving and sacrificial parents do? Parents hope and want their offspring to be better and to do better. Parents who send their children for extra classes should be applauded for their good efforts and not dissed and erroneously negatively labelled as "kiasu". 

It is strange that we as a society view maids - extra help - as accepted support but there is so much "bad blood" towards the tuition industry which is here to provide support and help to students (and teachers). 

As the saying goes, "it takes a village to raise a child". Getting different forms of support and help to raise the next generation in a bid to help them reach their potential and to help them to perform as well as they can in school should be applauded as responsible actions from parents. Parents should not be uglily labelled as "kiasu" for wanting to support and assist their children as well as they can and in a way that they know how. 


Wednesday 30 November 2022

Awesome Testimonial from Cadence (student) & Siew Wee (mum) :o)


[Post Dated: 30 Nov 2022]

I have had the privilege to coach Cadence for four years. Her mother wanted me to start coaching her in Primary School but I did not have a suitable slot for her then. Thankfully, we were able to find a suitable time for us from Sec 1 to Sec 4. 

Cadence is a very sporty student with great self-discipline and persistence. Once she sets her eyes on the prize, she works extremely hard and exceedingly diligently towards her goal(s). I wish more students are like her - steadfast, determined, resilient, grounded, forward-looking, studious and conscientious!! :o) 

She is an amazing student and I am certain that she will go far and reach her aims! As always, the parting is sad and wistful but we say "goodbye" so that we can say "hello" to new opportunities and new starts. 

Thank You for Recognising my Earnest Efforts & for this Glowing Testimonial :o)


[Post Dated: 30 Nov 2022]

I have had the privilege to tutor Mrs Chew's two children over more than a decade and I am extremely thankful for her trust and confidence in me. 

Right from the beginning, she trusts that I will do my utmost for her children who are under my care & tutelage and I feel encouraged by this faith that she has in my abilities, my professionalism and my dedication to my craft as an English Language and English Literature tutor. 

I am gratified that her two children have done very well under my earnest and sincere guidance. 

I have seen her two children from Primary School (P2) all the way to Secondary School (Year 4) and although I am sad to have to say "goodbye", we will continue to stay in touch as friends and I wish them all the best for their next chapter in JC and beyond. :o) We say "goodbye" so that we can say "hello" to a new start/ a new chapter in life! :o) 

All the best, always!! 

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...