Thursday 22 November 2012

Extracts from Education Minister Heng Swee Keat

Wise, wise words from Education Minister Heng Swee Keat: 

He said: "We must encourage our students to apply themselves and to persevere, so that they can reach their full potential in their chosen fields. When they put in the effort, we should cheer them on. When they succeed, we should recognise and celebrate their success."

He added that in education, it is useful to bear in mind two key points — that children need to develop at their own pace and they need to develop as a whole person.

"Pulling up the shoot to accelerate its growth or distorting growth in particular areas at the expense of holistic development will set the children back," he said.

This is why, Mr Heng said, "we are putting the emphasis on a ’student—centric, values—driven’ education."

"Rather, we [adults] should encourage them [children] to persevere, to pursue learning along appropriate pathways, and help them succeed in the next phase. What matters is that our children grow up to have a love for learning, and to be life—long learners. It is a marathon, not a sprint."

He hopes parents will support and encourage their children in their next phase of learning and growth regardless of their examination results.

He concluded: "Our children will be more likely to succeed if they grow up to be confident and resilient, able to bounce back from setbacks; and be inventive and adventurous, able and willing to try and create new things. Let us celebrate their effort, continue to encourage excellence, and broaden our definitions of success."

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