Thursday 31 October 2013

Memoirs of a Teacher 01

Memoirs of a Teacher

Having taught for more than a decade and counting, I have many wonderful stories to tell. There are good times and bad times in the life of a teacher and many teachers have shared about students whom they consider to be the absolute spawns of the devil.

Personally, I want to share stories that will make you smile. I want to share stories that will brighten up your day and allow you to see the beauty of teaching as well as the charm of unique students. I want to share my 'herbal soup for the teacher's soul' and in the process, share my privilege of having taught these students. I am so grateful and tickled that our paths crossed. I hope that I have touched the lives of these students as much as they have added colour to my life.

[All stories written for "Memoirs of a Teacher" are true. Nevertheless, all identities of students are fiercely guarded and protected. All names and initials used have been changed.]
{Content belongs to the original author, ME. Please do not plagiarize or take information from this site to post on other sites without the explicit written consent of the original author, ME. Thank you.}

Memoirs of a Teacher 01 - My Little Mad Scientist

JQ, whom I taught when he was in Primary 4 and 5, was a teacher's delight! He was a very smart and lovable scamp. He participated actively in class, got along wonderfully with his peers and knew when to settle down and do his work. He produced excellent work consistently and had such neat handwriting. He was mature and sensible for his age. Additionally, he was boyish and an adorable rascal at times. Affectionately, I called him my 'little mad scientist' for he had tousled hair and the air of Albert Einstein. He was a teacher's dream.

I enjoy connecting with my students on various levels and believe in listening to them. One day, JQ came bounding into class, grinning from ear to ear. Obviously, he had good news to share.

"JQ, why are you beaming?" I asked cheerily.

"I scored close to full marks for all my four subjects!" he responded enthusiastically, clearly basking in the utter delight of having done so well.

I was impressed. For a Primary 5 boy to score close to 100 marks for English, Mathematics, Science and Chinese was no easy feat. He had attained A* for all four subjects!

"Wow! Keep up the superb effort!" I exclaimed.

"And, my parents are giving me $100 for each A*! We are going to 'Toys R Us' after class to get toys!" JQ chirped.

"Awesome! Wow! You have just earned yourself $400 to splurge on toys!" I added.

His response was even more awesome and impressive than his results.

"I will just pick 4 items that I like. I don't have to spend all the money because my parents work really hard to earn money. Also, I will be sharing my reward with my little brother. He gets to pick a toy and I will share mine with him too," JQ continued.

My heart melted and I thought of his mother. What a wonderful son! She must be so proud of him!

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