Tuesday 11 November 2014

There is No Harm ...

Have you ever wondered why you are not doing well in school? Whether you're a student (or a parent), I am sure you have been frustrated by the lack of satisfactory results even after you have put in good effort (in your opinion). 

What I heard from my A** student will put things into perspective. You think that you have studied a lot. A Lot. However, if you are honest with yourself, have you skipped certain topics because you think that these topics will probably not appear in the examinations? Have you run out of time and so, decided to skip a few 'unimportant' topics to focus on the 'more important ones'? Have you decided that 'enough is enough' in that you have been studying for X hours / X days and that you deserve a good, longish break from books and all? 

Well, for the A** students, there is no such thing as studying too much because (ta-dah) There Is No Harm In Studying More

It's that simple (and that difficult).

To do better, study more. Study harder. (It does not hurt to read another set of notes ..., does it?)

There just isn't any other way to getting those As. 

Happy Studying! :) :) :)
There is no such thing as being over-educated. Live and Learn. 

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