Wednesday 5 November 2014

Carmen Dell’Orefice

I am a big fan of reading self-help books and inspiring quotes. Such gems always make me feel better after reading them when I am feeling down in the dumps. I also learn a lot from reading self-help books and quotes from famous as well as intelligent people. I hope to be a better person every day. Working towards an 'even more awesome' me! :) 

I want to share an article that I found on xinmsn. No copyright infringement intended. Article is taken respectfully. For original article, please refer to the source. Thank you! The inspiring nuggets are italicized and underlined. Have fun reading and benefiting! :) 

5 things we learned from the oldest supermodel in the world
Whatever your image of a typical 83-year-old woman is, it is probably nowhere close to what Carmen Dell’Orefice, the oldest supermodel in the world, looks like.
Yes, that is her in the above image. (Google for image, please. Thanks.) Yes, she was born in 1931.
The stunning octogenarian was in town last week to grace this year’s Digital Fashion Week, where she commanded the runway at local designer Max Tan’s opening show in a majestic hot pink creation (pictured). And the day before that, she made an appearance at a press conference, where she dished out some straightforward and sincere nuggets of wisdom.
It is mesmerising to watch Carmen glide elegantly around the room and observe the poise with which she carries herself – traits that enhance her ageless beauty (bestowed by fantastic genes and silicone injections, a procedure which she, unlike most celebrities, has always been candid about).
However, it is even more fascinating to hear what she has to say.
“I always try to have as much fun as I can, as long as it’s not at someone else’s expense,” she shared when asked to reveal the secret to her age-defying energy, proving that she is just as gracious as she is graceful.
Here are a few other things we took away from the self-declared (and we couldn’t have said it any better ourselves) “Meryl Streep of modelling”:
Take good care of yourself
Most people will be familiar with this piece of advice: “Don’t do drugs, don’t drink, and get enough sleep.” Yup, that’s precisely what Carmen has to say. “I never abuse the gift of life that’s been given to me.”
She also stressed on the importance of education (which, as she added, “isn’t just about college, but about being attentive and building your character”); warned against suffering fools; and encouraged people to enjoy work (“‘Work’ is not a dirty word!”).
Try new things and meet new people
“Believe it or not,” the supermodel revealed with a hint of an impish smile, “I have a Mac.” (In an age where most of her peers struggle with texting on a smartphone, that is quite impressive.)
It was with this Apple computer that she looked up Max Tan, whom she had never heard of before but, after being thoroughly impressed by his achievements at such a young age, accepted the invitation to highlight his presentation.
“It was kind of like a blind date,” she jested. A blind date that ended in a splendid show that got everyone going crazy on social media, we might add.
Be flexible while finding your identity
Carmen’s ability to adapt to changing styles has undoubtedly been an important ingredient in her recipe for longevity. “I am able to give myself over to a look in season,” she said.
Today, however, after decades of going through a plethora of hair colours and being a “chameleon”, she has finally settled on a consistent look: her signature silver mane and haughty, regal demeanour, which have served her well over the last 25 years to this day.
Don’t splurge on unnecessary things
As someone who has struggled with financial difficulties (she used to roller-skate around to save on transportation fees), it wasn’t surprising when Carmen urged youngsters to save their money.
In the case of models, she advises against buying the clothes they’re photographed in (especially if said threads are pricey designer garb).
When you find something you love, give it your all
Carmen first left the fashion world in 1958, but in 1978, she returned – and hasn’t stopped since. “I retire every evening,” was her reply when asked if she would ever depart again. “If I find myself in the right slot in life, I give myself wholeheartedly to every endeavour.”
And this is why, even at an age where most folks are content with a quiet, unexciting life, she still travels halfway around the world to sashay down catwalks thousands of miles from home, and why there is only one Carmen Dell’Orefice.
She is definitely an inspiration for women (and men) out there. I can only hope to be as amazingly thoughtful and gracious in my old age. :):)

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