Monday 8 October 2018

Thank you, my dear students! Blessed & Touched! Testimonial from Student! :)

Some gifts from my students! The gifts are all so sweet and delightful! :) 

The above is a letter written by my student, TJ.
She has been with me since Pri 3 (?)... I can't remember when she started her sessions with me.
She is currently in Pri 5 (2018) and has improved a lot in her English.
She has made some errors in her letter but I shall leave her letter uncorrected since it shows her sincerity to the fullest. :) <3

Sometimes, all we need is a heartfelt 'thank you' to make everything worthwhile.

I am grateful that my students know that I try my utmost to help them to excel in English. After all, I do want them to have the brightest future that they can have and I would go so far as to say that everyone knows the importance of English Language in school and in the real world. Thus, it is crucial that they master English well. 

Thank you for acknowledging my efforts! :) :) :)


English Language 2018 Preliminary Examination - Overall A @ 89.5%

My precocious student, CXH, as performed superbly yet again. I am tremendously proud of her and supremely pleased with her results!

She has completed her PSLE and I trust that she will have good news to share in November 2018. I look forward to hearing excellent news from her! :) 

18/25 = 72% = A2 for English Literature Common Test (Term 3, 2018) - My High Maintenance Student

Proud of TWXS!
He is a really creative child and has many interesting ideas! However, his tendency to do things his own way backfires at times.
This boy is truly my "High Maintenance" student!
*hahaha* :) :) *inside joke*

I'm overjoyed that he managed to score A2 for his English Literature Common Test.
Everyone who has gone through Secondary School in SG knows that it is super hard to get A1s and A2s!
Additionally, it is immensely difficult to score As for Humanities such as English Literature.
Thus, I am exceedingly proud that he has surpassed his usual B3 grade to hit A2! Way to go! Bravo! :) :) :)
Keep on Going! :) 

And folks, this is TWXS who decided to return with a huge chocolate egg after he declared very solemnly that he needed something to munch on... 
Something to Munch On = One Huge Chocolate Egg
Say 'hi' to my "High Maintenance" student! :)

Sunday 7 October 2018

Through the eyes of an Almost 5 Year Old - My Dear Son :)

My son's artwork... 

I just want to remember how things look like through his eyes at almost 5 years of age in 2018. 

<3 <3 <3 

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...