Monday 8 October 2018

18/25 = 72% = A2 for English Literature Common Test (Term 3, 2018) - My High Maintenance Student

Proud of TWXS!
He is a really creative child and has many interesting ideas! However, his tendency to do things his own way backfires at times.
This boy is truly my "High Maintenance" student!
*hahaha* :) :) *inside joke*

I'm overjoyed that he managed to score A2 for his English Literature Common Test.
Everyone who has gone through Secondary School in SG knows that it is super hard to get A1s and A2s!
Additionally, it is immensely difficult to score As for Humanities such as English Literature.
Thus, I am exceedingly proud that he has surpassed his usual B3 grade to hit A2! Way to go! Bravo! :) :) :)
Keep on Going! :) 

And folks, this is TWXS who decided to return with a huge chocolate egg after he declared very solemnly that he needed something to munch on... 
Something to Munch On = One Huge Chocolate Egg
Say 'hi' to my "High Maintenance" student! :)

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