Thursday 14 March 2019

Excellent Grade of 4As for PSLE 2018 for 2 Students

~You Reap What You Sow~

From P1 to P6!!

It was not easy getting these 4 coveted As!
Continue to press on in Secondary School! It's a new and amazing chapter of your life! Embrace the ups and downs of Secondary School days! May your years in Secondary School be filled with all things wonderful and interesting! Continue to work hard and work smart! 

PS: This is a belated post but better late than never! :P

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~No Pain, No Gain~

From P2 to P6!!

CXH has done really well for her PSLE too! She scored 4As! Keep up the wonderful effort and work! She is a precocious student and is full of wit! I am sure that she will continue to reach for the stars (A1s) in Secondary School.

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Let's play 'Spot the Difference':
Both TXSJ and CXH have scored 4As. Spot the difference between the two result slips. How can you tell that they belong to different students? What are the tell-tale signs? :) 

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