Friday 10 April 2020

Of Vaulting Ambition & (Harsh) Reality

Of Vaulting Ambition & (Harsh) Reality -
Lantern Making using Red Packets

A week or so before Chinese New Year 2020, Dear Son came back home with a 'parent-child' project. We (actually it means I myself) were supposed to make a lantern using red packets. 

"Mummy," he yelled excitedly in his still-baby voice, "do you have red packets? Teacher says that I need a lot of red packets to make a lantern."

My heart sank like the Titanic. "Another project? Another art-and-craft thingy? A lot of red packets?!" I thought wearily. 

I told him, "We have to do research first because prior to making the lantern, we have to find a lantern that we can make. We need to learn the steps to make it. Let's do this step by step. Follow my instructions." We were on a mission! 

We browsed YouTube for ideas. Dear Son, being the ambitious child with high self-esteem that is beyond the charts, decided that we should make a huge lantern using 48 red packets. 

I gawped at him and reasoned as calmly as I could, "How about no?" That lantern was magnificent. It was ginormous. It would take ages. It would be a struggle to make. It would drive me nuts. So, how about no? 

Finally, we settled for a small lantern using 5 red packets. That's a 'huge discount' off 48 red packets, yes? After drawing lines, folding edges, grappling with stapler, searching for red string... the lantern - our lantern (actually my lantern) - was "born". 

And here it is: 

The Lantern - Our Lantern (which is actually My Lantern)

So, what do you think? :)
Decent enough, I suppose? :) 

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