Wednesday 19 July 2023

K2 to P1 head start

Dear Parents, 

Please enquire and register for K2 to P1 head start with me, a specialist English Educator with 20 years of experience in guiding and coaching youths. 

I'll love to and it'll be my privilege to be able to take your precious child from Primary 1 to Primary 6 and from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4. :) 

SYJ has been with me since the very beginning of this year (2023) and according to his mother, he is performing very well in school for English Language as a P1 student. His teachers have commented that his foundation is strong. Of course, we are still working hard on building a solid foundation in English Language. He is, after all, only in P1 and he still has many more years of schooling ahead of him. 

SYJ has an older brother who is in S4 this year (2023). His brother was with me since end of P5. His parents contacted me as he was close to failing English Language in Upper Primary. With dedicated coaching, his older brother managed to get a B for English Language at PSLE which is at least 1 grade better than without coaching. Currently, WSYX, SYJ's brother, is working hard to do well for O Level English Language and I am providing all the support and materials that I possibly can as his tutor. 

In the pictures above, you can see P1 SYJ playing with toys that stimulate the mind after his lesson with me. He likes to end our sessions with a little bit of play time and both his mother and I agree that it is a great incentive for him. 

Enquire and register with me to give your precious darling a great head start in English Language. 

Building a solid foundation requires time and consistent effort. Thus, it is imperative to start as early as possible. After all, no matter how wealthy and powerful one is, one cannot buy back time. It is best to start students early so that they have ample time (and less stress) to learn and grow! :)

Let's empower children/ students by giving them a solid foundation in English. Children/ Students who do well in English tend to excel in other subjects like Math and Science too. :) 

Warmest wishes,
English Educator/ Specialist 
20 July 2023 

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