Tuesday 18 August 2020

TJYJ's Impressive Primary 6 Preliminary Examination Results (2019) & Her PSLE Score (260, A* for English)

STELLAR RESULTS from TJYJ whom I taught since Primary 4 (2017). She progressed immensely under my care/ coaching and she performed very well for her Primary 6 (2019) Preliminary Examination! She scored 51/55 for Paper 1 which is beyond impressive!! 

She also performed well for Paper 2 with a score of 75/95. I was very proud of her! 

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While I do not have a photograph of her wonderful PSLE results, I do have her score. She scored 260 for the PSLE and scored A* for English Language. 

Her proud and delighted father wrote a testimonial for me. :)
(However, I cannot locate the testimonial at the moment and so, I shall have to upload it later on.)

I am so proud of her as well for putting in such superb individual effort in her studies! Keep on going!! :)

LYKI's Stellar Primary 6 (2019) Preliminary Examination & Actual PSLE Results (244) :)

Another Late Post but better late than never! :) 

LYJI has been with me since Primary 2 if my memory serves me right. He has been trying hard. Over the years, he has shown good improvement in his grades for English Language.

He performed very well for Prelim Exam prior to the actual PSLE paper. He scored 26/28 for Booklet A and 53/67 for Booklet B. Thus, his total score for Paper 2 was 79/95 (83%).

He went on to do very well for the actual PSLE papers.
He scored 3 As and 1 A* and he scored 244 points.

Well Done! Thumbs Up!


We are continuing with our sessions this year (2020) and he is doing fairly well as a Secondary One student in a very good secondary school.
Secondary School is way more challenging than Primary School and most students are shocked by the marked differences!
Unfortunately, there has been quite a fair bit of learning loss and much to catch up on this year (2020) due to the disruptions caused by a devastating pandemic. *sigh* 

Let us all persevere and keep our chins up despite fatigue and despair. 

LJYS's Significant 16.7% Improvement in her English Grade (Term 3, 2019)!

(Very) Late Post but better late than never! 

Student, LJYS, started lessons with me in Term 3 (2019) as her English results were not ideal despite having group tuition. Her father had gotten my contacts from his wife's friend. [CXH is the daughter of his wife's friend.]

She scored 20/30 for her Mini Test (Term 2, 2019) and her parents panicked as 67% is not ideal at all for a student in Primary 3. Lower Primary students should score 80% and above. 

After our sessions, she managed to pull her marks up by 5 points which is 16.6%!! 
What a significant improvement! Her parents were thrilled to see the improvement and I was elated to have been able to help. 

She is continuing her sessions with me and I am pleased to say that she is improving little by little. Her foundation is not that strong but we have to persevere and try our very best together as a team - student and teacher. :) 

She is in Primary 4 this year (2020) and I have informed her that Primary 5 and Primary 6 are very challenging years so that she is mentally prepared to work even harder. 
There really is no short cut to success. Really.

The tried and tested formula:
Put in good effort and work extremely hard to achieve one's goals.  

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...