Tuesday 18 August 2020

LYKI's Stellar Primary 6 (2019) Preliminary Examination & Actual PSLE Results (244) :)

Another Late Post but better late than never! :) 

LYJI has been with me since Primary 2 if my memory serves me right. He has been trying hard. Over the years, he has shown good improvement in his grades for English Language.

He performed very well for Prelim Exam prior to the actual PSLE paper. He scored 26/28 for Booklet A and 53/67 for Booklet B. Thus, his total score for Paper 2 was 79/95 (83%).

He went on to do very well for the actual PSLE papers.
He scored 3 As and 1 A* and he scored 244 points.

Well Done! Thumbs Up!


We are continuing with our sessions this year (2020) and he is doing fairly well as a Secondary One student in a very good secondary school.
Secondary School is way more challenging than Primary School and most students are shocked by the marked differences!
Unfortunately, there has been quite a fair bit of learning loss and much to catch up on this year (2020) due to the disruptions caused by a devastating pandemic. *sigh* 

Let us all persevere and keep our chins up despite fatigue and despair. 

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