Tuesday 18 August 2020

LJYS's Significant 16.7% Improvement in her English Grade (Term 3, 2019)!

(Very) Late Post but better late than never! 

Student, LJYS, started lessons with me in Term 3 (2019) as her English results were not ideal despite having group tuition. Her father had gotten my contacts from his wife's friend. [CXH is the daughter of his wife's friend.]

She scored 20/30 for her Mini Test (Term 2, 2019) and her parents panicked as 67% is not ideal at all for a student in Primary 3. Lower Primary students should score 80% and above. 

After our sessions, she managed to pull her marks up by 5 points which is 16.6%!! 
What a significant improvement! Her parents were thrilled to see the improvement and I was elated to have been able to help. 

She is continuing her sessions with me and I am pleased to say that she is improving little by little. Her foundation is not that strong but we have to persevere and try our very best together as a team - student and teacher. :) 

She is in Primary 4 this year (2020) and I have informed her that Primary 5 and Primary 6 are very challenging years so that she is mentally prepared to work even harder. 
There really is no short cut to success. Really.

The tried and tested formula:
Put in good effort and work extremely hard to achieve one's goals.  

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