Thursday 29 July 2021

2019 English Results for Year 1 IP Student + 2019 English Results for P6 Student

The above stellar results are from CXH whom I have been coaching since P2. 
She's a motivated, diligent and well-adjusted student who is a joy to teach.
I'm delighted to see that she is doing very well in Secondary School after graduating from P6 in 2018 with flying colours. 

The results above are for Year 1, Term 3 (2019), WA3.

Next, the above marks for English P6 Preliminary Examination 2019 are from SHYE. I have been coaching him since P1. He has truly improved a lot from P1 to P6. His marks for his English papers have been excellent. I'm tremendously proud of him and his achievements for his English papers. 

He has gone on to do well in the PSLE (2019) with a solid A for English and he is now studying in a good Secondary School. He is currently in Sec2 (2021).   


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