Thursday 29 July 2021

Positive Feedback from Mrs Chew (Chew YY's Mother) + Results for P6 (2019) Cohort/ Class :)

I received this email from a parent, Mrs Chew. She sent this in 2019 and I am posting this really late.


I taught her son from P1 (2014) all the way to P6 (2019). Her son's growth (physically and in terms of his mastery of the English language) was evident to both her and me. We are very proud of how far he has come, from not knowing what "indent" is for compositions to being able to write independently and expressively. He wrote several well-written English compositions. 

He scored a solid A for his PSLE English (2019). 

Although I am no longer coaching him, I believe he is doing well in Secondary School.

All the best, always!

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I am always grateful that parents entrust their children's "English Education" to me and I feel privileged and even gratified to have worked with him and his parents for 6 years. Being able to work with a child for the whole of his Primary School life is something that is heartwarming, touching and (I'd say) quite impressive!


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On a separate note, I found the list of P6 students for 2019 and I'd like to state their initials and their scores for English for PSLE 2019. 

1: Student mentioned above, Son of Mrs Chew, Chew YY (taught from P1 to P6) -- A for English [231]

2: Lim KJ (taught from P1 to P6) -- A for English [251]

3: J Lim (taught from P1 to P6) -- B for English [220]

4: Chong ZX (taught from P1 to P6) -- A* for English [260]

5: D Lim (taught from P1 to P6) -- A* for English [242] 

6: C Seah (taught from P2 to P6) -- A for English [222]

7: J Teo (taught from P4 to P6) -- A* for English 

8: H Seah (taught from P5 to P6) -- A* for English [263]

9: Tan YS (taught P6 year only) -- A for English [243] 

From 2019 P6 Class--> Four A*s + Four As + One B. 

I'm very proud of all nine of them and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
As I write this post (2021), these kids should be in Secondary 2.
I believe that they are thriving and working hard!
My fondest thoughts are always with my students! :) 


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