Thursday 27 November 2014

my RED red keds -- hearting taylor swift

Woo! Hoo!
I was completely sold when I spotted Taylor Swift's collaboration range with Keds. I totally fell in love with the White Lace Overlay with Red Base Keds but I found them hard to match my clothes. I looked around a little more and saw these RED red Keds and immediately I knew I had to have them.

Woo! Hoo! :) I am a Happy Camper. Can't wait to wear my RED red Keds. Yet another pair of red shoes! Lipstick for the feet, really. :)

Monday 24 November 2014

5 Life Hacks To Make Singaporeans Happier? -- With Personal Comments :)

5 Life Hacks To Make Singaporeans Happier? 

By Yeap Ming Feng | – Sun, Nov 23, 2014
(All credits go to the original author and site. Information is taken respectfully for sharing of personal thoughts only. No infringement of copyrights intended. Please refer to website above.) 
[This is an edited version with my opinions. For the original article, please go to website.] 
1. Go on, get the paper qualification
{Yes! Yes! Yes! It seems like such crap and a lie when people go, "Hey, job experience and know-how is more important than your academic qualifications..." Blah. And, bah humbug. Come on, face Cold, Hard, Unsugar-coated Reality. Academic Qualifications Count. Doing well academically gets you ahead in life or at least gets that door to open a little bit for you rather than have it shut in your face or refuse to open at all. As I tell my students: Have academic qualifications, job experience and pleasantness... ... (of course, there are a lot of other important factors) and you're on the way to success.} 
Despite the numerous views being published out there that paper qualification is not important in Singapore, we beg to differ. Here is why.
Competition for jobs is high in Singapore, and this will only become worst in the future with the increasing population. Let’s all recognize that.
Immigrants today are also getting more qualified. In the past, an immigrant with a diploma certificate may be able to get a job in Singapore, and do well for himself and his employer. Increasingly, the government is setting the bar higher, and with good reasons.
As inflation of paper qualification continues to persist in the region, immigrants entering our country are getting more and more qualifed.
Whenever there is a vacancy for a job and there are numerous applicants for the position, employers tend to make their decisions based on two factors: qualifications and level of experience.
If you are 25-year old with a wealth of working experience, an employer may be willing to “overlook” your lack of education. Nevertheless, this implies not having the “right” education as being a severe disadvantage especially if you are going to compete with potential immigrants that have much better paper qualification.
And because many employers are still superficial, not having the “right” qualification in the form of a degree is like losing half the battle.

2.The Singapore Passport
Being a ridiculously small nation with access to so many various job opportunities within our country, most of us are not familiar with the concept of moving really far away from our homes to get jobs we really like, or careers we want to pursue.
If you are from China, Malaysia or even New Zealand, you will be forced to work the jobs that your parents or uncles did unless you are willing to move away from your home. That is because a lot of small cities in these countries can only support a few industries, unlike Singapore. Or you can do waitering at the local resturant.
Singaporeans have an edge over our immigrant counterparts. This is in the form of our passports. Our passports allow us to travel to 170 countries without the hassle of applying for a Visa.
Hence, if you are a young working adult with little commitment, go on and take up a job elsewhere in the world. You will have a greater chance of landing the job over your immigrant counterparts.
Sadly for most Singaporeans, working overseas is never part of our plans; unless it’s Australia.

3. Our spoken language
{Being bilingual or even multilingual is so important nowadays! Knowing more languages equals to landing more opportunities for oneself in so many areas. First of, let's emphasise the importance of ENGLISH which is the lingua franca... It is tremendously crucial to be proficient in ENGLISH - spoken and written - to keep up with the competition if not to get ahead.} 
The fact that Singaporeans probably speak the best English within Asia provides us with ample opportunities to work overseas. Speaking and writing good English opens up the entire America and Europe market. 
Our Mother Tongue such as Chinese, Malay, Tamil or Hindi provides even more opportunities in markets such as China, Malaysia, Indonesia and India.
Coupled that with our passports and it’s a wonder why more Singaporeans are not working overseas.
Perhaps it’s an outcome of Goh Chok Tong myopic “Are you a quitter or stayer” national day speech in 2002? Ironically, Goh Chok Tong daughter is working in the UK, which reinforces our point that Singaporeans should venture overseas more.

4. Start planning for retirement early
With an ageing population, the next generation may face difficulties supporting their own families. Start planning for your retirement by building up towards a realistic amount of money that you wish to retire on, including what you will get from CPF Life.
Adopt a healthy savings habit with a portfolio of investments. However, if you are very much a spendthrift or know little about investing, you may wish to consider a savings insurance to help accomplish that.
Sufficient coverage of health insurance is important too, and it is always advised to obtain health insurance at a young age when one is still healthy as the requirements of qualifying for health insurances get much more stringent as one gets older.

5. Keeping yourself healthy
{So true: Health is Wealth. Must take care of it before it disappears and good health can be gone in the blink of an eye which is extremely scary! I have to remind myself to take better care of my body, mind and emotions.} 
With our average life expectancy at 82 years old, it is perfectly normal that we start retiring later. We need to work that extra number of years to support the extra number of years we are expected to live till. Hence, staying in good health allows better productivity as we age, and also allows us to be less dependent on others. is a website that aims to provide interesting, bite-sized financial articles which is relevant to the average Singaporean. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Songs on the REPEAT

Been hooked on Taylor Swift's BLANK SPACE and SHAKE IT OFF 

*mmm mmm* 

Never been a big fan of Taylor Swift but after listening to these two songs... I think I am kind of into her! :)

I like the meaning of the songs. BLANK SPACE is an interesting lyrical narrative to me and the upbeat tune of SHAKE IT OFF is just *sick*!! 

*mmm mmm*

Sing along with me, erm, with Taylor Swift now! 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

There is No Harm ...

Have you ever wondered why you are not doing well in school? Whether you're a student (or a parent), I am sure you have been frustrated by the lack of satisfactory results even after you have put in good effort (in your opinion). 

What I heard from my A** student will put things into perspective. You think that you have studied a lot. A Lot. However, if you are honest with yourself, have you skipped certain topics because you think that these topics will probably not appear in the examinations? Have you run out of time and so, decided to skip a few 'unimportant' topics to focus on the 'more important ones'? Have you decided that 'enough is enough' in that you have been studying for X hours / X days and that you deserve a good, longish break from books and all? 

Well, for the A** students, there is no such thing as studying too much because (ta-dah) There Is No Harm In Studying More

It's that simple (and that difficult).

To do better, study more. Study harder. (It does not hurt to read another set of notes ..., does it?)

There just isn't any other way to getting those As. 

Happy Studying! :) :) :)
There is no such thing as being over-educated. Live and Learn. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Carmen Dell’Orefice

I am a big fan of reading self-help books and inspiring quotes. Such gems always make me feel better after reading them when I am feeling down in the dumps. I also learn a lot from reading self-help books and quotes from famous as well as intelligent people. I hope to be a better person every day. Working towards an 'even more awesome' me! :) 

I want to share an article that I found on xinmsn. No copyright infringement intended. Article is taken respectfully. For original article, please refer to the source. Thank you! The inspiring nuggets are italicized and underlined. Have fun reading and benefiting! :) 

5 things we learned from the oldest supermodel in the world
Whatever your image of a typical 83-year-old woman is, it is probably nowhere close to what Carmen Dell’Orefice, the oldest supermodel in the world, looks like.
Yes, that is her in the above image. (Google for image, please. Thanks.) Yes, she was born in 1931.
The stunning octogenarian was in town last week to grace this year’s Digital Fashion Week, where she commanded the runway at local designer Max Tan’s opening show in a majestic hot pink creation (pictured). And the day before that, she made an appearance at a press conference, where she dished out some straightforward and sincere nuggets of wisdom.
It is mesmerising to watch Carmen glide elegantly around the room and observe the poise with which she carries herself – traits that enhance her ageless beauty (bestowed by fantastic genes and silicone injections, a procedure which she, unlike most celebrities, has always been candid about).
However, it is even more fascinating to hear what she has to say.
“I always try to have as much fun as I can, as long as it’s not at someone else’s expense,” she shared when asked to reveal the secret to her age-defying energy, proving that she is just as gracious as she is graceful.
Here are a few other things we took away from the self-declared (and we couldn’t have said it any better ourselves) “Meryl Streep of modelling”:
Take good care of yourself
Most people will be familiar with this piece of advice: “Don’t do drugs, don’t drink, and get enough sleep.” Yup, that’s precisely what Carmen has to say. “I never abuse the gift of life that’s been given to me.”
She also stressed on the importance of education (which, as she added, “isn’t just about college, but about being attentive and building your character”); warned against suffering fools; and encouraged people to enjoy work (“‘Work’ is not a dirty word!”).
Try new things and meet new people
“Believe it or not,” the supermodel revealed with a hint of an impish smile, “I have a Mac.” (In an age where most of her peers struggle with texting on a smartphone, that is quite impressive.)
It was with this Apple computer that she looked up Max Tan, whom she had never heard of before but, after being thoroughly impressed by his achievements at such a young age, accepted the invitation to highlight his presentation.
“It was kind of like a blind date,” she jested. A blind date that ended in a splendid show that got everyone going crazy on social media, we might add.
Be flexible while finding your identity
Carmen’s ability to adapt to changing styles has undoubtedly been an important ingredient in her recipe for longevity. “I am able to give myself over to a look in season,” she said.
Today, however, after decades of going through a plethora of hair colours and being a “chameleon”, she has finally settled on a consistent look: her signature silver mane and haughty, regal demeanour, which have served her well over the last 25 years to this day.
Don’t splurge on unnecessary things
As someone who has struggled with financial difficulties (she used to roller-skate around to save on transportation fees), it wasn’t surprising when Carmen urged youngsters to save their money.
In the case of models, she advises against buying the clothes they’re photographed in (especially if said threads are pricey designer garb).
When you find something you love, give it your all
Carmen first left the fashion world in 1958, but in 1978, she returned – and hasn’t stopped since. “I retire every evening,” was her reply when asked if she would ever depart again. “If I find myself in the right slot in life, I give myself wholeheartedly to every endeavour.”
And this is why, even at an age where most folks are content with a quiet, unexciting life, she still travels halfway around the world to sashay down catwalks thousands of miles from home, and why there is only one Carmen Dell’Orefice.
She is definitely an inspiration for women (and men) out there. I can only hope to be as amazingly thoughtful and gracious in my old age. :):)

Thursday 25 September 2014

i love Red Shoes

I'm a colour person in that I totally heart colours (except orange not so much - too blinding).

I would have loved to name my kid or pet dog or goldfish etc Rainbow.

I totally love the asthetically pleasing appearance of the Rainbow Cake (though I heard that the taste isn't that great).

I love shoes and I love them in almost all colours...

Recently, I realised that I have a fondness for Red Shoes. "Why?" I asked myself, being the reflective and thoughtful person that I am. *LOL*

... ... ...

Red Shoes are like Red Lips for Your Feet. 

Looking at make-up tips and such, one way to brighten the face and to look instantly glamorous is to sport Red Lips. Well, I have come to realise that indeed, Red Shoes are like bold red lipstick for your feet. Red Shoes brighten up your whole look and adds visual interest as well as a point of focus.

I heart Red Shoes. I really do. :) 

Red Shoes, high heels

I love the Red Shoes that the blogger has featured here. Image taken respectfully.
No intention of infringing copyrights. Please go to original site. 


Please note the highlighted parts in the article below! :) :)

Hugh Jackman's wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, says what I feel in such a perspicuous manner!! Exactly what I felt when someone commented that I was "lucky" to stay in a _______, "lucky" to have _______...

Lucky?! More like "Work, Bitch" (reference: Britney Spears MV -

Yes. Work, Bitch. That gets you some of that "luck".




Hugh Jackman's wife slams 'lucky' tag

Hugh Jackman's wife Deborra-Lee Furness finds it demeaning when people say she is ''lucky'' to have married him.
Hugh Jackman's wife hates people saying she is ''lucky'' to have married him.
(Article taken respectfully from above source. No infringement of copyrights intended. Please refer to original article.) 
Deborra-Lee Furness - who has adopted children - Oscar, 14, and Ava, nine, with the 'Wolverine' actor, who she married in 1996 - feels ''put down'' by the demeaning label.
She told Australian Woman's Weekly Magazine: ''That to me is a put-down. [It's] like you suggesting I won the chook raffle.''
The 58-year-old producer also spoke of her belief that there is no such thing as luck but everyone ''creates their own destiny''.
She added: ''If you want something, you put it out there with good intention and you realise it.''
And Deborra - who campaigns for the streamlining of international adoption laws - has advised people not to judge the lives of others as it is difficult to know the ''challenges'' another person faces in their lives.
She said: ''When people look at my life, they don't know the challenges [I face], just like I don't know someone else's [challenges].
''With every privilege, comes responsibility and challenges.''
Hugh, 45, has previously spoken of his love of his ''beautiful, amazing'' wife and how much they enjoy date nights together.
Asked the secret of a happy marriage and family life, he once said: ''Make sure you have a date night just the two of you together, without the kids.
''And don't be afraid to tell your kids that you have no idea what you're doing either.''

Saturday 2 August 2014

So In Love... With My Fendi

TA-DAHH!! MY FENDI BAG! *Heart Eyes*

I have always wanted a Fendi bag.
Some people have commented that Fendi bags have this 'auntie-vibe' about it while others have remarked that Fendi bags are 'Ah Lian-ish'
(check wiki for definition here:
Nevertheless, I have always wanted one and have always admired Fendi bags. In my opinion, Fendi bags are really good-looking bags. I personally love the Fendi FF Zucca Print. I lust after Fendi bags. I long to own a baguette version but it's too tiny to hold my whole arsenal of things and too pricey. Of course, I'd be beyond thrilled to own one eventually.

Currently, I am exhilarated to be able to say that I am a very proud and delighted owner of a large Fendi FF Zucca Print Shopping Tote. It's ginormous! It measures 44cm by 43cm by 13cm! I love that I can put in my files, wallet, key pouch, make-up pouch and everything else including the baby (just kidding) without having to 'manoeuvre' them into the tote. Everything fits in nicely. Provided that I don't put in too many items, things don't get squashed and folded up weirdly in the bag.

To add on, I adore that this bag has structure and that it keeps it's boxy structure even after I put several things inside. I thought that the bottom of the bag would sag but nope, the nice squarish structure remains! I am tremendously pleased! Perhaps it's because the bag is still new and not broken in yet. However, I hope that it doesn't sag even as it ages. Hopefully, this bag ages well. It's one of my favourite bags (at the moment and I think for a while to come) and so, I hope that this lovely tote stays in excellent condition despite use. 

This is not a sponsored post by anyone or any organisation. I just wanted to share my great love for my latest bag in my humble collection (can't even call it collection, actually, how misleading) of totes. Time to save up for my next Fendi!! :) :) :)

Friday 1 August 2014

Clap Your Hands When You Wake Up! :)

As adults, we get stressed out and bogged down by a myriad of challenges at work and at home. There are so many things to handle! Deadlines to meet, children to discipline and coach, bills to pay, groceries to buy and the list goes on and on! Often, we wake up reluctantly, feeling utterly grouchy, grumpy and gloomy. Oh, the Monday Blues that hangover till Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and then, the weekend flashes by like a flash of lightning and disappears before we enjoy the weekend. 

I am no exception. Waking up early is a painful thing. I need lots of sleep, uninterrupted sleep. I am not a morning person and waking up in the mornings to get things done makes me quick-tempered and sulky. 

However, I am blessed to have a change in attitude towards waking up and facing the day. I believe that many of us know the children's song called "If You're Happy and You Know It". I have always found the song rather irritating in that it would repeat itself endlessly and the children would shout at the top of their voices while screaming out the lyrics of this song. 

Now, I understand the 'essence' of this song. Really, if you're happy and you know it, CLAP YOUR HANDS. Go on! Just do it! 

My son starting learning how to clap his hands properly at about 7 months old. At about 8 to 9 months, he would wake up, sit up on his mattress and CLAP HIS LITTLE CHUBBY HANDS while wearing a SUPER BIG AND AWESOMELY CUTE GRIN on his HANDSOME LITTLE FACE. 

It made my morning and my day!

Yes! Waking up to a brand new day is a gift. It's a blessing. It's definitely something to be happy about! It's a brand new day! O, Happy Morning, Yo!! 

Thank you, precious boy, for teaching mummy that waking up and being alive is truly a happy thing. Giving thanks for being able to see another day and to be healthy, strong and alive! 

So, everyone, here goes! SING WITH ME!!
If You're Happy and You Know It

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)

Friday 18 July 2014

23 Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter - What are your picks? :)

23 Daily Habits That Will Make You Smarter
Getting smarter isn't something that happens overnight. Instead, you have to build your intelligence every day through intentional daily habits. DEFINITELY! Conscientious effort is required to gain anything worthwhile. Read post on Conscientiousness affecting Success! 
In a recent Quora thread, "What would you do to be a little smarter every single day?", readers shared their advice on good habits you can establish.
Here are some simple actions that could help you become a smarter person.
1. Come up with 10 ideas every day. Think about how to reduce poverty, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas, or anything. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into, as long as you're working your brain and your idea muscles. Your list might even lead to a new startup idea or writing subject. — Claudia Azula Altucher
2. Read the newspaper. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the word. You'll learn to form your own opinions and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated things. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends. — Manas J Saloi YES! I think reading the newspaper is important. After all, it is good to be well-read and informed. Newspapers doesn't have to be the paper kind though. Read news online as well to get your daily dose of information and to stay abreast with what's current! 
3. Play devil's advocate. Take something you recently learned and generate a unique opinion on it that wouldn't immediately come to mind. Try to support it with evidence, and be open to the idea that new evidence will change your opinion. Repeat this every day, and you'll become much better at thinking outside the box.
If you're feeling stuck, try reading and critically evaluating the editorial section of papers . They will help you understand how other people form arguments and express their opinions. — Peter DePaulo
4. Read a chapter in a fiction or non-fiction book. Aim to read a book a week. You can always find pockets of time to read, whether on your daily commute or while you're waiting in line. Goodreads is a great way to keep track of everything you read and to also find a community of other readers.
Fiction books are great for understanding characters and getting absorbed into another perspective, while non-fiction books are great for introducing you to new topics, from politics to psychology. —Claudia Azula Altucher READING IS A MUST! Instead of watching videos on your smart phones while waiting in line or commuting, read an e-book. Read novels. Read magazines. Read something (especially something not trashy)! There is just so much to be gained from reading - widening your range of vocabulary, making you more imaginative and creative, taking you to different real or imagined places, allowing you to meet interesting characters...  
5. Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. Sometimes, it's more fun to watch things about a subject you love than to read about it, and you can learn a lot from other people's experiences.
You can find fun, educational videos on Khan Academy or watch TED talks. You can also find good ones on Youtube's channel SmarterEveryDay. In videos, the information is often presented in a digestible, memorable way, so you can be assured they'll stick. — Hendrik Sleeckx YES! Watch to learn! Learning can be entertaining. Watch 'how to...' videos that teach you how to do a myriad of different awesome things! 
6. Subscribe to feeds of interesting information. Follow interesting voices on Facebook and Twitter, so you'll always learn something new when you look at your newsfeed or dashboard.  For example, if you want to keep up with the latest news in science and technology, subscribe to the "I Fucking Love Science" page on Facebook.  You can also follow email newsletters, such as Cal Newport's Study Hacks and Today I Found Out. — Saurabh Shah
7. Check in with your favorite knowledge sources. Ever y day, scroll through Quora, Stack Overflow, specialty blogs, or any other sources that satiate your hunger for knowledge. This is an extremely easy habit, because other users are curating the content for you, so all you have to do is follow the ones who write about topics interesting to you. Try using Pocket to save articles for later reading, and then try to get through them before going to sleep at night. — Manas J Saloi
8. Share what you learn with other people. If you find someone to debate and analyze ideas with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new perspectives. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've definitely mastered the concept . You can even share what you learn without directly talking to someone. Many people like to start blogs so they can engage others in online dialogue. — Mike Xie
9. Make two lists: a list of work-related skills you want to learn now and a list for things you want to achieve in the future. Google Docs is a  convenient way to keep track of your lists. For both, decide what you want to learn, compile sources that will teach you these skills, and then work on them each day.
For example, if you work in a computer-science related field, your first list might suggest you learn something new in Python one day or that you try using MongoDB another day.
For your second list, you can think about long-term goals, such as whether you want to go into marketing or architecture. Write down the small steps you need to take to reach that goal, whether it's by reading the experts in those fields or taking classes at a local college. — Manas J Saloi
10. Make an "I Did" list. At the end of each day, write down what you completed. This will help you feel better about all the things you accomplished, especially if you're feeling discouraged. It will also help you reflect on how productive you were and how you can re-structure your to-do lists for the next day. — Claudia Azula Altucher
11. Write down what you learn. You can start a blog or use an app like Inkpad to help you keep track of everything you learn. Not only will this be a great way to keep a record of everything you're doing, but it's also a good source of motivation to keep you accountable. You will want to learn more if you know that at the end of the day you'll have to write about it. — Manas J Saloi
12. Stimulate your mind. Going on a daily run is a great way to get your brain flowing and to keep your mental health in shape. It's also a great way to think through difficult decisions or process new information. — Rick Bruno
13. Take online courses. Check out this list of the most popular online courses for professionals. Make sure you don't overload yourself; commit to one to two and truly focus on them. The syllabi will also keep you on track, so you know you will be doing something every day, whether it's listening to a lecture or working on an assignment.   — Manas J Saloi
14. Talk to someone you find interesting. Even if they're strangers, don't be afraid to approach them. Ask about their interests and how they discovered them. Oftentimes, you learn the most from people you barely know. — Manas J Saloi
15. Hang out with people who are smarter than youSpend as much time as you can with smart people. Every day, you should strive to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you.
Always be humble and willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more. — Manas J Saloi
16. Follow your questions. If you see or hear about something cool, don't just let the moment pass. Follow up — pursue your curiosity and find the answer to your question. — Mike Xie
17. Use a word-of-the-day app. You will increase your vocabulary, which can help you in competitive tests like the SAT or GRE, or even just sound more eloquent in daily interactions.
You can also try to learn new vocabulary in a different language. Every day, try to add five to 10 more words to the foreign language you are trying to pursue. You can use LiveMocha, Basuu, or DuoLingo.  — Manas J Saloi YES! I do this too! There are just so many new words to learn! 
18. Do something scary. "Getting out of our comfort zone always makes us wiser." Every day, push yourself a little further. Try public speaking by joining a ToastMasters class, lead a meeting by volunteering a proposal at work, or reach out to someone you really admire by sending a quick letter or email. — Claudia Azula Altucher
19. Explore new areas. If you can't travel every day, at least try to find something new within your hometown. You'll meet different people, learn new facts, and understand something new about the world. It's a lot more productive than staying at home and watching TV. — Manas J Saloi
20. Play "smart" games. Some games, like  chess and Scrabble,  expand your mind. Challenge yourself when you play them. For example, play Scrabble without a dictionary. You can also solve puzzles via games like Sudoku, 2048, and Doors. — Saurabh Shah
21. Set aside some time to do nothing. Oftentimes, sitting in silence can help you get inspiration and reflect on your day. — Claudia Azula Altucher
22. Adopt a productive hobby. If you have something you can work on every day, from knitting to fly fishing, you can actively learn more just from doing. For instance, you may try to play a new piece of music every day, read a physics textbook, write a few more pages in your novel, or learn a new computer skill. — Mayank Rajput
23. Apply what you learn. If you recently learned a new coding skill or how to play an instrument, make sure you are using that skill in your life as often as possible. Learning by doing is one of the most effective ways to become smarter. — Himanshu Pal This is very important! Apply skills is practising what you have learnt. Applying skills is honing skills and mastering them! It is crucial to learn, progress and growth from strength to strength.  

My contribution is to solve puzzles and riddles to stimulate the brain and to learn to think out of the box or, to discard the box altogether in the process of solving tricky puzzles and riddles! Have fun employing the above to become smarter!! 

Friday 4 July 2014

Be the BEST ME/ YOU/ TOM DICK HARRY #causeiamawesomemyway

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” ~ Mother Teresa.

Spoke to my boy today. I call my students 'my boy' or 'my girl' with great affection and I shall do so here as well. He is not performing well in class. He is rather disruptive and uncooperative. He feels inferior compared to his older sister who is performing superbly in school. 

Spoke to him today and said, "R, there is no need to be upset about your big sister being better than you. No one wants you to be her. We just want YOU, to be the BEST YOU. We see YOU!" 

I continued, "We want you to put in your best effort and try your best. At present, you are not performing to your fullest potential. You can do so much better if you try your very best. Let there be no regrets in the future. Be able to say that you have done the best that you could. R, be the BEST YOU!" 

I could see his face light up a little. I was heartened and I hope that he will blossom and bloom beautifully in time to come. 

Then, I reflected on what I had said to R. Isn't it true that we can only be "The Best Me/ You/ Tom Dick Harry"? We are unique and different. To quote Mother Teresa: I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things. We should strive to be "The Best Me/ You/ Tom Dick Harry" every day and live each day to the fullest, without regrets. 

#causeiamawesomemyway :) :) :) 

Saturday 7 June 2014



The open, raw wound has healed. The blood has stopped oozing. The pain is a vague memory. But, the scars... the scars, they remain. The heart-wrenching pain and the acute sense of loss - they ease. Really, they do. But, the scars... the scars, they remain. The incident has become a series of hazy images, seemingly surreal. But, the scars... the scars, they remain.

Time, they say, heals all wounds.

But, the scars... the scars! They remain.  

©Mini-Prose written by Lin MH, 08 June 2014. All original content.
Please do not reproduce in any form or anywhere else without getting explicit written permission from the original writer of this piece of work. Plagiarism is a crime.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Family Resemblance by LMH (POEM)

Family Resemblance

Wow! From certain angles,
we look startling alike.

We have the same profile,
the same expressions.

Why do you wrinkle your nose,
the way that I do?

Gasp! You like coffee
with a tiny pinch of salt too?

Soulmates! We think. Until,
we realise belatedly that...

We are actually first cousins
who have not met for
the last ten years.

We stare at the family resemblance,
awed and sigh inwardly that beyond it,
we are completely unconnected.

©Free verse poem written by Lin MH, 30 May 2014. All original content.
Please do not reproduce in any form or anywhere else without getting explicit written permission from the writer of this piece of work. Plagiarism is a crime.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

What Your Mom Knows About Success That You Should Too by Daniel Wong

What Your Mom Knows About Success That You Should Too

The motherhood guide to success

These are four things that moms know, which we’d be wise to learn too.

1. People are counting on you.

Eat. Sleep. Pee. Poop. Repeat. The life of a baby is pretty enviable, huh?
Babies are entirely reliant on their parents. Babies left on their own without a caregiver wouldn’t survive. Moms understand this, and respond right away when they hear their baby’s cries. (Dads respond quickly too, but probably not as immediately as moms.) When your baby is counting on you, you don’t want to let him or her down.
In a similar way, people are counting on you too. The world is counting on you. To contribute. To learn. To grow. To face your fears. To persevere. To make a difference. To care.
It’s a quiet cry compared to the earsplitting screams of a baby, but it’s equally urgent. Although they don’t realize it, other people’s lives are worse off when we cruise along, choosing mediocrity over excellence, pleasure over purpose, the easy way over the best way. We’re not adding value to their lives in the way we would have if we’d put our heart and soul into being the best we could be.

2. The small things matter.

A couple of random things I’ve learned about taking care of a baby:
  • When you swaddle a baby, you need to make the swaddle tight enough so he can’t wriggle out, but not so tight that it’ll cause him pain. It’s a much finer line than you might think.
  • The angle at which you tilt the milk bottle during feeding matters. You need to get it right, if not your baby will become gassy. Not good.
  • The teat size of the milk bottle affects your baby’s gassiness levels too. Who knew?!
Moms understand that these small things matter, as do many, many others. In contrast, dads tend to be a bit more big-picture—that’s definitely true for me. The difference is illustrated below:
What moms think, what dads think
In life, the small things matter too: proofreading a report one more time before you submit it, writing a simple thank-you note, resisting the urge to say something unkind even though you really feel like it, refusing to tell a lie even if nobody would ever find out.
I still struggle with these kinds of “little” temptations, the ones that seem so innocuous.
But I’m reminded that every decision we make—small or not so small—determines our destiny, a destiny that’s not built in a day, but rather day by day.

3. You can’t only do the things you feel like doing.

Getting up in the middle of the night to feed you, every night for months. Changing your dirty diapers 10 times a day. Soothing you when you wailed.
These are just some of the things your mom did for you, even though she didn’t feel like it. She did what needed to be done, regardless of how she felt.
This kind of attitude runs contrary to the kind of advice we often hear:
  • “If you don’t like what you’re doing, quit.”
  • “If you’re not passionate about it, why do it?”
  • “Eliminate everything that’s making you unhappy.”
  • “If you find what you’re called to do, it won’t feel like work.”
Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for being happy and discovering your passion and finding work that’s both enjoyable and rewarding. But it’s unrealistic, and even irrational, to think that finding your passion will instantly make your life fine and dandy. After all, the Latin root word for “passion” is pati, which means “to endure” or “to suffer.” Passion and perseverance go hand in hand.
[This ties in with my previous post on BEING CONSCIENTIOUS. It is paramount that we move forward, step by step; even if the steps are tiny, wobbly baby steps... Go forth. Be brave. Be determined.]
Life is often more about doing the things you don’t feel like doing, than about doing the things you do feel like doing. You might not feel like studying, or going to work, or keeping your promises, or getting out of your comfort zone, or sucking up your pride and apologizing. But these are the kinds of choices that ultimately define our lives.

4. You can waste, use or invest your resources. Choose to invest them.

Moms, and parents in general, sacrificially invest in their kids. When it comes to nutrition, education and love, they don’t spare anything on their kids’ development.
A mentor of mine once shared with me that your resources can either be wastedused orinvested. The last option is the best, but it’s often the hardest to do because it requires long-term thinking in the face of short-term demands.
So let’s be intentional about investing our time, talent and money in ways that benefit others and add value to the people around us.

Shout-out to all moms

My mom has had a huge impact on me. She has shown by her example what it means to lead a life of kindness, commitment, courage and love. I sometimes wonder how messed up I’d be if my mom wasn’t my mom. Love you, Mom! :)
For many of you, I’m sure your mom has had a similar influence in your life. So if you’re a mom reading this, I want to thank you. You show the rest of us what it takes to be successful, but more than that you show us what it means to love unconditionally and sacrificially.
Happy Mother’s Day again!
If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to Living Large here.
[Thank you to the Original Author, Daniel Wong, for penning such a meaningful post that makes us think about how we can be better people by emulating the woman who has given us life after going through the challenges of pregnancy and the excruciating pain of childbirth.]

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