Thursday 3 August 2017

Gratefulness and Simplicity - Lessons taught by my little boy.

I was clearing out the junk here and there in the home. I threw out the old plastic 'eggs' that my boy had been using as containers in the bathtub as I felt that they were old and probably germy.

Then, I found these plastic containers which used to contain small little knick-knacks. I passed these 'useless' items to my 3 1/2 year old boy and he squealed delightedly, "Oh Mummy! New toys for the bath?! I'm so happy, Mummy!"

Indeed, he was truly happy to receive these 'useless' containers. That day, he could not wait for bath time so that he could play with his new toys. He had so much fun with these little plastic containers that I would have thrown out without batting an eyelid.

Lesson Learnt?
Being Grateful for the little, 'useless' things for they may be useful and fun. (One man's meat is another man's poison, I guess?)
Simplicity. There is no need for fancy toys when we can use our imagination to let these 'useless' things come alive and bring us joy! 

Love You, my little guy. <3 

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