Wednesday 23 August 2017

Hard Work Pays Off! :) A for English! B3 for English Literature!

The above deserves a blog post on its own because SQLC and I have been working exceedingly hard towards A for English Language. She has been scoring B3s which is a very good grade but well, B3 is not an A!

I am thrilled that she has scored her A for English (CA2, 2017). I received her text in the evening on Monday, 21 August 2017 and I grinned like a Cheshire cat that entire evening! :)

I am tremendously proud of her because she is self-motivated and extremely diligent. Although she is "Ms Complain", she never fails to complete her given tuition assignments to the best of her ability. Additionally, she prepares as well as studies incredibly hard for her examinations. She was telling me that she did not like English Literature but she did not give up on it! She persevered and scored better than her previous test with a very commendable grade of B3! :)

Whenever I think about how far she has come, I feel immensely gratified.Having taught her since P3/P4, I have seen her struggle somewhat with English to getting As in her primary school examinations.
Then, she surprised me with an A* for English Language for the actual PSLE! It still warms the cockles of my heart to think about how stupendously well she did for her PSLE English.

With her excellent learning attitude and willingness to study hard, I am sure that she will do better and better in English / Literature / Academically!!! :) :) :)

*High 5! Thumbs Up! Well Done! Awesome! Keep This Up!*

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