Wednesday 25 October 2017

Invest your Money - Lessons Taught By My Students / Memoirs of A Teacher 02

Years back before MOE revised the PSLE English syllabus, students had three parts to handle for the oral component.

The first part was to read a passage aloud.

The second part was to describe a picture using DIEO - Describe, Interpret, Elaborate, Opinion. (Of course, there were other similar methods for describing a picture.)

The third part was a conversation where the teacher would ask questions and the student would answer to the best of his/her ability on his/her feet. To illustrate, the examiner could ask: What are your hobbies? Why is it important for children to have hobbies? How would you encourage others to take part in your hobby? How has your hobby helped you? And so on... 

As part of oral preparation then, I asked this precocious student of mine what he would do if he received a windfall. TWJH was only ten-years-old then. He was in Primary Four. (What kind of responses do you a think Primary School student will give?)

Most students, whom I have asked, mentioned that they would like to buy toys that their parents refused to buy for them. They would donate the money to charity and so on. Honestly, they were very good responses from ten-year-old children.  

TWJH was different though. Our conversation went like this... 

Me: What would you do if you received a windfall? 

TWJH: INVEST IT. I WOULD INVEST THE MONEY SO THAT I GET MORE MONEY. My daddy says that this is the best way to handle money when you have it. I would surely invest the money so that it grows. 

Me: *mind blown by 10-year-old* *He actually remembers what his daddy says / has taught him directly or indirectly.* *calms myself down and continues to converse* How would you invest it? 

TWJH: Property is a good way to start. ... ... ... 

WOW! I really had a good lesson that day. A really good lesson. Now, if you ask me what I'd do if I ever get some money on my hands, you know what my answer is.

Now, let me think about getting that PROPERTY which he mentioned. MONOPOLY, anyone? :) :) :) 



(All right, I got you, Mr 10 Year Old Smarty-Pants!) HAHA :) :) :) Well Done!! 

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