Tuesday 24 October 2017

Methodical Mum & Mum No.3 (on a quiz) #noshortcutstosuccess

Methodical - Definitely a YES! 

Methodical: (of a person) orderly or systematic in thought or behaviour

I strongly believe in being organised and systematic. Worksheets have to be filed properly by date or subject etc. Things should have their own 'homes' and should not be 'homeless' floaters. Right angles are the 'best' angles because, well, they are not 'wrong angles'. HA HA! :) 

Clarity in the learning process is also important.
Step by correct step, please.
Don't skip steps because more often than not, skipping steps equals to getting marks deducted for carelessness. 

I am Mum number 3 based on a quiz.
I'm definitely big on getting properly educated and that there are, seriously, no short cuts to success.All of us have to pay our dues to get where we are and to attain our goals (whatever they may be). It's almost always all about Determination, Sacrifice, Resilience, Ambition, Hunger for Success, Desire to Do Well... rather than luck.
For a student to do well, it's about Studying Hard and of course, Studying Well + Smart! The student has to pay his or her dues. There is no other way around it. Others cannot study for you. 

We all naturally want to become successful... we also want to take shortcuts. And it's easy to do so, but you can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice. Apolo Ohno

If you take shortcuts, you get cut short. Gary Busey

There are no shortcuts to true excellence. Angela Duckworth

[The above Quotes are from https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/shortcuts.html .
No infringement of copyrights intended. Please go to original site to read more relevant quotes!]

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