Sunday 30 December 2018

PSLE English A* and an Excellent Score of 266+2 !!

Beyond thrilled to hear this piece of good news on 22 November 2018 (Thursday) when the PSLE results were released. My wonderful student, FJXX, performed so very well! 

Please read the above exchange with her elated and proud mother. :)

From failing to passing for the whole of 2018!! :) :) :) (English Language NA Level)

I am so very pleased that LJXM whom I have taught for a little more than a year has shown marked improvement in her English Language component.
Previously, she was failing. She scored about 48/100. 
Although her grade is not remarkably good, she managed to pass her English examinations for the whole of 2018.
This is a great feat for her and I must applaud her effort. She has been trying really hard!
Honestly, there is no short cut to success. I know that I sound like a broken recorder but it is so true!! 

I hope that beautiful LJXM (pictured her with her adorable littlest sister, LERN) will continue to work hard in 2019!! :) 

*applause please* 

Friday 30 November 2018

Sisters ❤️♡❤️ Two Darling Girls Whom I Taught Years Back

Some private details have been omitted deliberately. 

I taught the Lee Sisters years back and look what I chanced upon recently. These heartfelt tokens of appreciation always warm the cockles of my heart. These two darling girls taught me as much as I taught them.

(They are such bubbly girls with colourful personalities. I wonder how they are doing!)

I looked forward to our sessions and it was heart-warming to know that they enjoyed our sessions together too. 

Even though several years have passed, I still think of them fondly and I wish them well, always! :) :) :) 


Thursday 1 November 2018

2 Students, 2 Terrific Grades for Preliminary Examination (English Paper, 2018) P6

Preliminary Examination (2018) Marks.
Student: FJXX
She has done really well for her Preliminary Examination for English Language and I am filled with pride. If I recall accurately, she mentioned that she came in "Second Best" for English Language. Spectacular! :) 

***     ***     ***     ***     ***

Preliminary Examination (2018) Marks.
Student: TXSJ
She has been steadily improving and I am thrilled to see that she is doing better and better for each exam paper. 
She managed to perform well for her Prelim Paper and her overall grade for English is considered VERY GOOD as well.
Well Done!
Keep on putting in good effort to see (corresponding) good results!

Secondary 2 (2018) Mid Year Paper 1 50/70 = 71.4%= A2 !!

I realised that I should have posted this earlier. I must have missed it somehow... 

My 'High Maintenance' student, TWXS, performed well for his Mid Year Examination (2018). 
It was a breakthrough because he was scoring Bs. He managed to score an A2 for the Mid Year Examination which was absolutely fabulous! 

50/70 = 71.4% = A2 

I am so proud of his efforts! :) 

Monday 8 October 2018

Thank you, my dear students! Blessed & Touched! Testimonial from Student! :)

Some gifts from my students! The gifts are all so sweet and delightful! :) 

The above is a letter written by my student, TJ.
She has been with me since Pri 3 (?)... I can't remember when she started her sessions with me.
She is currently in Pri 5 (2018) and has improved a lot in her English.
She has made some errors in her letter but I shall leave her letter uncorrected since it shows her sincerity to the fullest. :) <3

Sometimes, all we need is a heartfelt 'thank you' to make everything worthwhile.

I am grateful that my students know that I try my utmost to help them to excel in English. After all, I do want them to have the brightest future that they can have and I would go so far as to say that everyone knows the importance of English Language in school and in the real world. Thus, it is crucial that they master English well. 

Thank you for acknowledging my efforts! :) :) :)


English Language 2018 Preliminary Examination - Overall A @ 89.5%

My precocious student, CXH, as performed superbly yet again. I am tremendously proud of her and supremely pleased with her results!

She has completed her PSLE and I trust that she will have good news to share in November 2018. I look forward to hearing excellent news from her! :) 

18/25 = 72% = A2 for English Literature Common Test (Term 3, 2018) - My High Maintenance Student

Proud of TWXS!
He is a really creative child and has many interesting ideas! However, his tendency to do things his own way backfires at times.
This boy is truly my "High Maintenance" student!
*hahaha* :) :) *inside joke*

I'm overjoyed that he managed to score A2 for his English Literature Common Test.
Everyone who has gone through Secondary School in SG knows that it is super hard to get A1s and A2s!
Additionally, it is immensely difficult to score As for Humanities such as English Literature.
Thus, I am exceedingly proud that he has surpassed his usual B3 grade to hit A2! Way to go! Bravo! :) :) :)
Keep on Going! :) 

And folks, this is TWXS who decided to return with a huge chocolate egg after he declared very solemnly that he needed something to munch on... 
Something to Munch On = One Huge Chocolate Egg
Say 'hi' to my "High Maintenance" student! :)

Sunday 7 October 2018

Through the eyes of an Almost 5 Year Old - My Dear Son :)

My son's artwork... 

I just want to remember how things look like through his eyes at almost 5 years of age in 2018. 

<3 <3 <3 

Wednesday 12 September 2018

TXSJ's Mid-Year (SA1, 2018) Primary 6 Results - Got to "work that ass off"!

Mid-Year Examination (SA1) 2018.
Student: TXSJ
I am very proud that this student has continued to persevere despite the challenges.
It is not easy to get good grades.
The student himself or herself has to put his or her mind to it and has to work his or her ass off! There is no other way around it!
You reap what you sow, after all! Also, no pain, no gain! 
I am pleased to say that her efforts have paid off well! :) Cheers!! Please continue to work that ass off! *lol* :) :) :)

~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~

work your ass off =to work very hard 

Got. To. Work. That. Ass. Off.

Star Pupils! A!! A!! A!! Another 3 outstanding performances for Mid-Year (SA1) 2018

Mid-Year Examinations (SA1) Marks.
Student: TSQR.
She has been with me since Primary 1 and it is wonderful to see how she has benefitted from the sessions that we have together. She continues to learn and perform well. She is indeed one of my Star Pupils! :) 

***    ***    ***    ***   ***

Mid-Year Examination (SA1) Marks.
Student: LYJI.
He has been with me since Primary 2. How time flies! I am constantly amazed by how time never seems to slow down at all. On the contrary, time seems to accelerate with each passing year and I find myself quite breathless as I try to 'catch up with time' (which we all know is not possible)! 
Currently (2018), he is in Primary 5. The learning curve from P4 to P5 is exceedingly steep! Many students do not do so well in P5 even if they have been performing well in P4.
Thus, I am immensely proud and delighted that he has continued to do well! Snagging that A for Mid-Year 2018, P5, is absolutely awesome and I look forward to working with him to maintain the A.
We will, of course, aim for A* too! :) 

+++   +++   +++   +++   +++

Mid-Year Examination (SA1) 2018.
Student: FJXX
This student is supremely wonderful. She is consistent in her efforts and has a great learning attitude! She is very willing to learn and is extremely self-motivated. She's certainly another Star Pupil! :) 
Scoring 88.4% for her Primary 6 SA1 is superb! 
Thumbs-up!! :)  

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Semestral Assessment 1 (SA1) 2018 - 3 Different Students, 3 Excellent Grades!

TJ performed very well for P2 (2018) Term 2 Class Test. As a tiny eight-year-old child, he has proven that he can achieve 'big things'. He could have attained 32/32 if not for the fact that he did not use a capital letter 'S' where required. Keep up the excellent work and effort, TJ! :) :) :)

SHYE has been with me since Primary 1 and he is currently in Primary 5 (2018). He has been improving steadily. Hitting an A for English Paper 2 at Primary 5 (Term 2 test) isn't easy at all but he managed to! He's such an ACE! :) :) :) 

The above scores belong to one darling student whom I have been teaching since Primary 1. She is in Primary 4 (2018) now and she has been absolutely amazing. It is gratifying to see students flourish under my tutelage and guidance. She is always attentive and is very mature for her age. I love such students! *big heart* 

CYQS scored 14/14 for Listening Comprehension, 12-16/20 for English Composition and 48.5/50 for English Paper 2. How Impressive!! 

I hope that all my students continue to thrive and strive! :) :) :) 

Continual Assessment 1 (CA1), 2018, Term 1. English Paper - Primary 6 - 83/95 !!

Congratulations to CXH for doing so very well for CA1 (2018, P6 English Paper 2).
She scored a 'High A' for English. 83/95 = 87.4% !! :)

I am extremely proud of her and her stellar efforts! :)

Two Excellent Scores in Term 1 (2018) 27/30 & 30/40

I am tremendously proud and superbly pleased to say that two different students, CXH and TXSJ, shared that they performed wonderfully for their English Term 1 Diagnostic Test and English Composition Graded Assignment (Term 1) respectively.

Such brilliant news deserves to be shouted from the top of the mountains, or rather, from the top of Bukit Timah Hill! :) :) :) 

Keep up the Awesome Effort that enabled you to attain these Great Scores! :) :) 

Catholic High School - Primary 3 SA2 (2017) Band 1 for English

Dear EHC performed very well for the EOY paper (2017).
Look at his grades, aren't they spectacular?
He scored 48/50 (96%) for English Paper 2. On the whole, his grades are impressive. He did not perform that well for composition but he is trying hard.
EHC and I continue to work hard together. He has been with me since Primary 2 and this year (Primary 4), his grades continue to improve.
I am exceedingly pleased and gratified! :) 

(PS: I know that I should be more prompt with my posts as this post comes almost a year later! I shall try! :) )

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Excellent Performances - Promoted to Best Primary 5 Class, 2 Prestigious Awards & 1 Education Merit Award

LYJI performed very well for his SA2 (Primary 4 Level, 2017) and was promoted to the best class in Primary 5 (2018)!
Congratulations to him! :) 

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

LYJI's cousin, CXH, also performed exceptionally well for the whole of 2017 (P5 level).
She continues to stay in the best class (Primary 6, 2018) in her school.
Her parents and I are so very thrilled that she took home two prestigious awards! 

*thumbs up* 
:) :) :)

###   ###   ###   ###

Another student, TXSJ (Primary 5, 2017), performed well too and managed to clinch the 'Education Merit Award'. Well Done! I am So Proud! :) :) :)

Friday 25 May 2018

Impressive!! Scoring and Maintaining A* for English for the entire academic year 2017

I truly have to more prompt with my congratulatory posts!

"Life Stuff" and "Adulting" have gotten in the way of other matters... 

Congratulations to FJXX once again!
You have done so very well in English for the whole academic year of 2017!

Everyone is beyond pleased and I, for sure, am doing the 'happy dance'!

*oh yeah* *snaps fingers* *oh yeah* 

ps: green fonts because FJXX's favourite colour is green :) 

Getting and Maintaining A grade for Primary 5 Mid Year & End of Year (2017)

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. Napoleon Hill

Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought. Napoleon Hill

Quality (good grades) is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. John Ruskin

No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance. Ramana Maharshi

Dear TXSJ,

The above quotes are for you! Your effort matters!

EACH HIS BEST! *winks*

Continue to put in excellent individual effort in order for you to see excellent results.

Best regards :) :) :) 

Double Standards - Children Vs Grandchildren

Dearest Son spilled the ice cubes all over the kitchen floor because he yanked the ice tray too forcefully and the whole ice tray dropped. 

I did what most mothers would given the circumstances.
First, I took photographic evidence of the 'crime'.
Second, I sent pictures of said 'crime' to the family chat to whine and grumble.
Third, I cleared up the mess (but of course). 

My Dear Mother replied, "What a clever grandson! Oh, look at what he did! How adorable! He's so clever! He can open the fridge and take the ice tray by himself!" 

I mean... MUM?!?!  

Double Standards. Sheesh. 

If I had spilled the ice cubes all over, I would have gotten a severe tongue lashing. 

*** *** ***

Another occasion...

My Dear Daughter wanted to get her ears pierced.

My Dear Mother gushed, "Granddaughter, come, Grandma will get you diamond earrings." 

Double Standards. Sheesh again.

Hello?!?! Yoo Hoo! I'm still here!! *waves* How about me????!!!???

I got gold plated earrings for my first pair.
(Not even gold. Gold PLATED)

Wednesday 14 March 2018

SHYE's Fabulous SA2 (2017) Scores! 96% For Primary 4 English! (14/14 34/36 13/14)

Immensely pleased with SHYE's excellent results for SA2 (2017)! :) :) :)

The pictures speak for themselves.

He scored FULL MARKS for Booklet A - 14/14!
He scored close to full marks for Booklet B - 34/36!
The overall score for his English Paper 2 was 48/50 (which is 96%)!

I believe that he told me that he was top in class for English Language!

I trust that he will continue to do well this year -- Primary 5 (2018).

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...