Thursday 14 November 2013

Firmly Flexible & Flexibly Firm


(noun) a figure of speech or expressed idea in which apparently contradictory terms appear on conjunction. 

As a teacher and a parent, I have come to realise the importance and need to be Firmly Flexible and Flexibly Firm. 

As much as we, teachers and parents, want to give students and children the leeway and freedom to do what they want, when they want to but youngsters are youngsters and they need boundaries. While being firm with them, we need to bear in mind that there are times where flexibility is definitely required and should be 'executed'. 

Let me know what you think about being Firm and yet, Flexible :) as well as Flexible and yet, Firm. 

Monday 11 November 2013


A combination of sky blue, tiffany blue and sea blue were specially selected for they complement Dawn’s fair skin well. This dreamy gown was fully handcrafted to achieve the natural textures of roses and waves, as well as seamlessly blend all 3 shades of blue. 

Read more about it at
[All credits to JESSICACINDY. Pictures and information belong to original creator - JESSICACINDY. Please note that images and text above are not mine. Please refer to original site.] 

I received this email from JESSICACINDY and immediately, I was AWED by the breath-taking sight of this absolutely gorgeous creation! I just had to share it with one and all!

Isn't this dreamy confection one of the most beautiful dresses ever? :) I would totally love to wear it for a grand occasion! WOW! :) Plus, blue is my favourite colour too! Sweet! 

a word that i love

There are countless words out there that I love because they have such interesting / lovely / special / cute... meanings and connotations. One word in particular that I love is "painkiller". 

I have super low threshold of pain and firmly disbelieve in suffering, what I consider, unnecessarily. When there is pain, KILL it. Kill it fast! Now, you tell me, how apt is the word "painKILLER" when it comes to murdering that horrid, pulsating, hair-wrenching, tears-coursing-down-face-uncontrollably PAIN? 

Painkillers are AMAZING! 

Before popping a painkiller or two or three...: I'm going to KILL myself! Argh! *Rolls on the floor in complete mind-blowing agony*

After popping a painkiller or two or three or more...: Ahhh... Am I in heaven or what? *slurs giddily* 

PAINKILLERS for you? Oh yes, please!!! 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Confession Time

I urge anyone who has not googled - Kang Gary - to do so!! :)

I'm so awed by how talented this adorable man is! I'm always amused by how he rises to the occasion. Without fail, he surprises viewers and the cast with his unique abilities! He is also hilarious! With his 'Monday Girlfriend', he is so sweet! Kang Gary, I am enamored!!

After reading his wiki page, I'm even more awed (jaw drops) and more in love with Kang Gary! Being dubbed 'Mr Random Capable' is so apt! He is unpredictable!

Confession Time: Yoo Jae Suk is rather cool. Kooks is Hercules... Song Ji Hyo is an amazing woman - so fearless and capable, but my heart lies with Kang Gary! You go, Gary!! :)

I just had to profess my deep affection for The Impressive Kang Gary!! :) :)

Thursday 31 October 2013

Memoirs of a Teacher 01

Memoirs of a Teacher

Having taught for more than a decade and counting, I have many wonderful stories to tell. There are good times and bad times in the life of a teacher and many teachers have shared about students whom they consider to be the absolute spawns of the devil.

Personally, I want to share stories that will make you smile. I want to share stories that will brighten up your day and allow you to see the beauty of teaching as well as the charm of unique students. I want to share my 'herbal soup for the teacher's soul' and in the process, share my privilege of having taught these students. I am so grateful and tickled that our paths crossed. I hope that I have touched the lives of these students as much as they have added colour to my life.

[All stories written for "Memoirs of a Teacher" are true. Nevertheless, all identities of students are fiercely guarded and protected. All names and initials used have been changed.]
{Content belongs to the original author, ME. Please do not plagiarize or take information from this site to post on other sites without the explicit written consent of the original author, ME. Thank you.}

Memoirs of a Teacher 01 - My Little Mad Scientist

JQ, whom I taught when he was in Primary 4 and 5, was a teacher's delight! He was a very smart and lovable scamp. He participated actively in class, got along wonderfully with his peers and knew when to settle down and do his work. He produced excellent work consistently and had such neat handwriting. He was mature and sensible for his age. Additionally, he was boyish and an adorable rascal at times. Affectionately, I called him my 'little mad scientist' for he had tousled hair and the air of Albert Einstein. He was a teacher's dream.

I enjoy connecting with my students on various levels and believe in listening to them. One day, JQ came bounding into class, grinning from ear to ear. Obviously, he had good news to share.

"JQ, why are you beaming?" I asked cheerily.

"I scored close to full marks for all my four subjects!" he responded enthusiastically, clearly basking in the utter delight of having done so well.

I was impressed. For a Primary 5 boy to score close to 100 marks for English, Mathematics, Science and Chinese was no easy feat. He had attained A* for all four subjects!

"Wow! Keep up the superb effort!" I exclaimed.

"And, my parents are giving me $100 for each A*! We are going to 'Toys R Us' after class to get toys!" JQ chirped.

"Awesome! Wow! You have just earned yourself $400 to splurge on toys!" I added.

His response was even more awesome and impressive than his results.

"I will just pick 4 items that I like. I don't have to spend all the money because my parents work really hard to earn money. Also, I will be sharing my reward with my little brother. He gets to pick a toy and I will share mine with him too," JQ continued.

My heart melted and I thought of his mother. What a wonderful son! She must be so proud of him!

Friday 30 August 2013

The A to Z of being happy: 26 simple things you can do today to improve your life

I really enjoy reading the sensible comments and thoughts from Daniel Wong and I would like to spread the 'good word' with all due respect to the original author. I have benefited from the article found on Yahoo and would like to share them on my blog. All credits go to the original authors and sites. I do not own any material. I am merely spreading the 'good word' for more people to benefit from! Cheers :) Happy reading!!

I have highlighted what I have found most useful and meaningful. Do you share the same sentiments? :) 

All credits to: and the Original Writer, Daniel Wong. 

Daniel Wong is a learning and personal development expert, as well as a certified youth counselor. A sought-after speaker and coach, he is also the best-selling author of "The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success". He offers programmes to help students become both happy and successful and to help parents to connect more effectively with their children. He writes regularly at

Do you want to be happy? Of course you do.
As someone who wrote a book about happiness, I spend a lot of time thinking about the subject.
I’ve observed that being a happy person isn’t rocket science. Instead, it’s about making consistent, intentional, simple choices -- something that all of us can do.
I’ve come up with an A to Z list of things you can do to find happiness and fulfillment.
Here they are:
A: Apologise when you’re wrong
Humble people are happier people. We’re all human, so let’s say sorry when we've messed up.
It’s better to save the relationship than to save “face” by refusing to apologise.
B: Build strong relationships
To a large extent, the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. Let’s invest in the relationships we value.
C: Complain less
We love to complain. But the more we complain -- especially without also offering a possible solution to the problem -- the unhappier we become.
If we complain, let’s do it constructively. As the saying goes: When we’re whining, nobody’s winning.
D: Dare to be different
Trying to live up to the expectations of other people or of society puts you in the fast lane to unhappiness. Dare to think different, act different and be different.
E: Encourage someone daily
We all go through seasons in life where we feel discouraged or confused. Make an effort to encourage at least one person each day.
F: Focus on what you can change, not on what you can’t
Here’s an empowering question for us to ask ourselves throughout each day: What is one thing I can do right now to make the situation better?
The answer to that question will guide you toward an action you can take immediately.
G: Give others the benefit of the doubt
We almost always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, but we don’t often extend this grace to others. If we did, we’d save ourselves a lot of frustration, annoyance and anger.
H: Help others with no strings attached
Giving of our time and resources is sure to make us happier in the long run.
I: Identify the toxic people in your life and stay away from them
I’ve heard it said that you’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. I think that, by and large, this is true.
Identify the toxic people in your life, and minimise contact with them -- before you become just like them.
J: Join a community
Human beings are designed to exist in community. Find one -- be it social, spiritual or activity-based -- and be an active member.
K: Keep to an exercise and sleep schedule
If we’re not leading a physically healthy life, it’s hard to grow in other areas.
L: Laugh at yourself
Take your work and your responsibilities seriously, but not yourself.
M: Make an effort to be interested in others
I haven’t met a single person who didn’t have an interesting life story. If we’re genuinely interested in other people, we’ll form a stronger connection with them.
N: Never stop learning
The older I get, the more things I realise I don’t know. Education should be lifelong, even if schooling isn’t.
O: Obsess over the right things
Our obsessions define our legacy.
Will we be obsessed about loving people and adding value to their lives? Or will we be obsessed about watching TV and reading the latest celebrity gossip?
The choice is ours.
P: Praise others when praise is due
When you see someone do a good job, give her a sincere compliment. You might just make her day!
Q: Question your assumptions about life
What assumptions do you have about life? That you need a university degree to succeed? That reading books is boring? That you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams come true?
Challenge these assumptions in order to prepare yourself for future success.
R: Reflect daily
Take five minutes each day to reflect.
In particular, think about the way you’re using your time and money, because every second and dollar you spend is a message to the world about what you truly value.
S: Stop caring so much about what other people think
You can’t please everyone all of the time, so don’t even bother trying. Live a life of character, commitment and courage -- and ignore the naysayers.
T: Take a break
Work is important, but we also need to make time to relax, especially in this stressful society we live in.
U: Utilise your resources wisely
As people who live in a developed country, we have many resources at our disposal, both online and offline. With the power of the Internet at our fingertips, “I don’t know” is now almost never an excuse.
V: Vary your routine
We’re creatures of habit, but changing up our routine can break the monotony and make life more interesting and exciting.
W: Write down your goals and review them periodically
Most of us are goal-oriented, but few of us put down our goals in writing.
Writing down your goals -- and reviewing them regularly -- helps you to take stock of your life and to ensure that you’re making progress in the right areas.
X: Express gratitude daily
(I know, I know… “Express” doesn’t start with the letter “x”.)
There’s plenty of research out there indicating that grateful people are happier. Every day, write down at least one thing you’re thankful for. I’ve tried it out for myself and it’s definitely helped me to appreciate life more fully!
Y: Yearn for long-term (and not merely short-term) success
First of all, it’s crucial that we define success for ourselves. If we simply accept society’s definition of success, we might rack up countless achievements, but fail to find the fulfillment we were looking for.
It’s only when we've defined -- at a personal level -- what success means to us that we can focus on building enduring, rather than fleeting, success.
Z: Zip your mouth when you don’t have anything helpful to say
Lady Dorothy Nevill, who lived in London in the 1800s, wisely observed, “The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”
If all of us obeyed this rule, there would be far fewer hurt feelings and broken relationships in this world.
In closing…
We can’t give away what we don’t already have, so if we want to make the lives of others better and happier, we need to first take care of our own well-being and happiness.
I hope these 26 tips will help you to do just that!

Monday 29 April 2013

2 + 2 is ?

Just for laughs: 2 + 2 is?

By theAsianparent | 19/04/2013
A funny joke to make you smile today! 2 + 2 is?
A little boy was doing his maths homework & saying:
2+5, the son of bitch is 7
3+6, the son of bitch is 9
His Mom: What are you doing?
Boy: I’m doing maths homework.
Mom: This is how your teacher taught you?
Boy: Yes. 
Infuriated, Mom asked the teacher the next day, “What are you teaching my son in maths?”
Teacher: Right now, we are learning addition.
Mom: You're teaching them to say 2+ 2, the son of bitch is 4?
Teacher after laughing: What I taught them was, 2+2, the sum of which is 4…
;) Hope theAsianparent and this post has managed to make you :):):) 

The Bread, Oh, The Bread

Student: My mum is the bread and butter of the family. 

Class: Muahahahahaaaaaa!!

Teacher: Is your mother quite delicious? 

:) Hahaa! The darn-est things that students say... 

Monday 22 April 2013

the absolutely EPIC NINJA MOVE

I hid behind Myself. 

Go figure! How?! *OMG*

Just one example of the absolutely amusing things that kids write in their compositions. Right... somehow, I managed to hide behind myself. The most EPIC NINJA MOVE ever! 

Sunday 7 April 2013

7 Wonderful Wonders of the Wondrous World

Oh! I LOVE the title that I came up with for this post! :) I love playing with words and the alliteration in the title is Awesome Possum IMO!

Read on:

A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following got the most votes:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet student hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." 

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help."
The girl hesitated; then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:

1. to touch
2. to taste
3. to see
4. to hear

She hesitated a little, and then added

5. to laugh
6. to love
7. and to live

The people in the room turned quiet. Those things we overlook as simple and "ordinary" are truly wondrous things in our life that cannot be bought.

I guess what this story aims to convey is that there are many things that we should be grateful for and that we should count our blessings because, truly, there are many WONDERFUL AND WONDROUS things in life that we are blessed with. 
Health is wealth, for example! With every easy breath that we take, we should be thankful that we are in the pink of health... 
What do you have to be grateful for, today and every day? :)

Monday 1 April 2013

How To Overcome Distractions When It’s Time To Study

I subscribe to getting emails from Daniel Wong, the author of "The Happy Student". Recently, I received an email from Daniel Wong about the methods to overcome distractions when it's time to study and he urged us, readers, to share the post. Having read through the methods, I feel that it is definitely worthwhile to share his tips. 

[All credits go to Daniel Wong and All credits go to original writers. Thank you for sharing information. All information is used respectfully and duly credited. :)]
[I found this video: very useful as well and you may wish to watch the video for your own benefit. Again, all credits go to the original writers. I do not own any content and there is no intention to infringe copyrights at all. :)] 


Does this sound familiar?
You have a big exam coming up next week, so you know it’s time to hit the books.
You sit down at your study table and start reviewing your notes.
Five minutes later, your phone goes off. It’s a text message from your cousin, Lily. She’s asking about the family trip that you’re going on after your exam.
After exchanging six text messages with Lily, you look at the time. 15 minutes have gone by!
You put your phone aside and get back to reading your notes. 10 minutes later, you get the sudden, overwhelming urge to check your Facebook news feed.
You only intend to spend a few minutes on Facebook, but you end up browsing through three photo albums, commenting on four statuses, and watching two videos.
You decide to update your own status: “Life dilemma: Study for exam or check Facebook. Facebook wins.” All of this takes you another 20 minutes.
I’m sure something like this has happened to you before. It happened to me when I was a student, and most of the students I work with tell me that it happens to them far too often.
But there’s hope. There are simple techniques you can use to win the war against distractions.
Here are six tips for you:

1. Put your phone on silent mode and place it at the other end of the room.

If you own a smartphone, you know how distracting it can be. Facebook, Twitter, email, text messaging and yes, the entire Internet, are at your fingertips.
Even a non-smartphone can be extremely distracting!
As such, I recommend that—at the start of your study session—you put your phone on silent mode and place it far away from you. Preferably, you should place it at the other end of the room.
This way, you won’t be interrupted by phone calls or text messages while you’re studying. You can always check your phone every 30 or 45 minutes when you take a break.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit that few of the text messages and phone calls you receive require an immediate response, so it’s reasonable to get back to the other person when you’re taking a break.

2. Turn off your Internet access.

You might intend to use your computer for work, but you can easily find yourself on Facebook or YouTube instead. (You know what I mean. :) )
When you’re using your computer, the World Wide Web is literally just a click away. Don’t trust yourself to resist that temptation. Turn off your Internet access before you begin your study session.
If you need to access certain online resources, then download all of the necessary information at the start of your session before you turn off your Internet access.
The Internet is tool that has the power to both entertain and educate. By turning off your Internet access when it’s time to focus, you’re harnessing the power of the Internet effectively.

3. Take a deep breath when you’re about to get distracted.

Distractions come in waves. The urge to watch TV, clear your room (I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like clearing my room when it’s time to be productive, right?) and check your phone attacks you suddenly—and it can often be overwhelming.
But these intense urges only last for a short while. If you’re able to resist that initial wave, you’ll be able to carry on studying instead of succumbing to temptation.
Here’s how to fight off the urge when it hits you: Close your eyes. Breathe in for two seconds, then breathe out for two seconds. If the urge still persists, repeat until it goes away.
Using this simple technique, you’ll spend four to eight seconds breathing deeply, after which you’ll get back to work. If you don’t use this technique, you’ll probably end up getting distracted for 15 minutes, or even longer.

4. Ask people to give you privacy.

I’m sure that something like this has happened to you before while you were studying:
  • Your mom came by to ask you about your day
  • Your friend dropped by to chat
  • Your younger brother asked you for help with his homework
  • Your sister asked you for advice
The list goes on.
Don’t get me wrong; relationships are important. I firmly believe that, in many ways, the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.
But when you’re studying, interruptions can be especially disruptive.
Just before you begin your study session, I recommend that you go up to the people who are most likely to disturb you and say something like this: “I have an exam coming up next week, so I need to focus. Would you please give me some privacy for the next two hours and not interrupt, unless it’s something really urgent?”
When you make such an intentional effort to ask others to respect your privacy and your commitment to academic excellence, they’re likely to show you that respect.

5. Get eight hours of sleep every night.

As a student, it seems almost impossible to get enough sleep. There’s always so much homework to do, so many projects to work on, so many activities to participate in, so many friends to hang out with, and so many parties to go to.
Compared to all of these things, sleep seems so unimportant!
But sleep is vital if you want to perform well academically. It’s an established scientific fact that sleep affects your memory, concentration and brain function. If you’re not sleeping enough, you’re not setting yourself up for success in your student life.
When you’re sleep-deprived, you’ll also be easily distracted.
Here are some ways to help you get to bed earlier:
  • Have a nightly bedtime routine
  • Wind down at the end of the day by reading a book
  • Don’t drink caffeine after 3pm
  • Go to bed at the same time every day
  • Set a nightly alarm to tell you it’s time to go to bed (this has been exceptionally helpful for me!)

6. Use a tool like to help you prioritize your tasks.

( didn’t pay me to say this, I promise.) is a web-based tool that allows you to conveniently manage projects and prioritize tasks.
I started using half a year ago, and I’ve found it to be beneficial in keeping my life organized.
Students often get distracted when they think about all the other tasks they need to accomplish. They start to wonder if they should be working on another assignment or studying for another test instead. This hinders them from focusing on the task at hand.
By using a tool like, you’ll be able to stay on top of all of your assignments, projects and other commitments. With a systematic approach toward task management, you’ll make the most of every study session.

In closing…

In our increasingly connected world of smartphones, tablets, laptops and high-speed Internet, distractions are everywhere.
You’ll need to make a deliberate and committed effort to stay on task. I hope these six tips will help you in your quest to become a happy and successful student!

About the AuthorDaniel Wong is the bestselling author of "The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success". He blogs regularly on topics related to education and career at Download his popular FREE ebook, "The Unhappiness Manifesto: Don’t Do These 150 Things If You Want To Be Happy".

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hard Work is a Must!

I am a firm believer in hard work. Working hard does not guarantee success but it ups one's chances of getting nearer to that sweet 's' word - success! Of course, I do not mean that we should simply work doggedly and obstinately. Rather, we should put in smart and good effort into what we do. After all, we (mostly) reap what we sow. Depending on luck to succeed is basically waving 'so long, farewell' to success. Let us work hard and steer ourselves intelligently towards our various goals. Remember to enjoy the journey that gets you to the fruits of your success. 

Here's an extract from what esteemed blogger/writer Daniel Wong has mentioned about working hard: 
Life was never meant to be easy, so let’s not act as if we’re entitled to the comforts and luxuries of life.
We all need to work for what we want, so let’s embrace the challenges that come our way.
As Joshua J. Marine once said, “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

[Source:; All credits go to the original writer, Daniel Wong. No infringement of copyrights intended in anyway. Material is used respectfully and gratefully.] 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

when IS becomes Was (POEM)

when IS becomes WAS

Teaching the tenses,
Simple present, simple past.
Is, Are and the special Am
Was and Were.

Never realising the finality of
changing IS to WAS.
Once done,
Cannot be undone.
It is, it was.
He is, he was.
She is, she was.

Irrevocable change.
Is to Was.

It's Over.

The End. 

[All original content by LIN MH. Please do not take information from this site without explicit written permission from the author, that is, ME. Thank you!} 

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Green Car

Top gear and co2

Now, OF COURSE we have to get more Green Cars, don't we all? :)
I totally love being Green! :)

{All credits to:}

Friday 1 February 2013

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway - My Comments

If I had to name my favourite book, or at least the one that has had great impact on me, I'd say it's THE SUN ALSO RISES by Ernest Hemingway.

I identify completely with what Jake Barnes says in the book. Here are some quotes from this novel that I find morosely insightful and witty in a very melancholic manner.

“I never used to realize it, I guess. I try and play it along and just not make trouble for people. Probably I never would have had any trouble at all if I hadn't run into Brett when they shipped me to England. I suppose she only wanted what she couldn't have. Well, people were that way. To hell with people. The Catholic Church had an awfully good way of handling all that. Good advice, anyway. Not to think about it. Oh, it was swell advice. Try and take it sometime. Try and take it.
--- Jake's comment about how people like to say, "Hey, it'll be fine. Things will be fine as long as you don't think about it," strikes a chord with me. Oh, please, come on! When something, usually bad, happens to a person, how can he not think about it? I hate to hear such 'advice' as well. Why did I put the word 'advice' in quotation marks? Well, it's basically not advice after all! If the negative thing happened to you, you think about it. You think about it day and night and somewhere in between as well. For example, if you get hurt physically (like Jake), you will definitely think about your pain and your injury! It's only natural and well, your injury will remind you to think about it, even if you didn't want to!!
Yeah, "not to think about it"? You want my honest opinion? It's a whole lot of nonsense! Yeah, "try and take it sometime. Try and take it." I bet you a million bucks that you can't not think about it 

Everyone behaves badly--given the chance.
--- Oh, most definitely isn't it? Come on! Don't pretend to be the saint that you ain't! (Rhymes!) Imagine, if there was no one looking, what would you be doing? ;) 

"At one time or another I had probably considered it from most of its various angles, including the one that certain injuries or imperfections are a subject of merriment while remaining quite serious for the person possessing them."
--- Oh, so true! For instance, a kid with 'rabbit-teeth' that protrude has to endure snide remarks about looking like Bugs-Bunny; a kid with freckles has to endure being called 'Spotty'. People love making fun of other people's imperfections. Why? Perhaps to feel a sense of superiority and to feel better about themselves? Think about it - when was the last time your imperfection, which brought severe pain to you, brought such perverse joy and entertainment to others?
The person who possesses the imperfection already feels lousy to the core! Come on, people. Give the poor person a break! There's no need to be mean - intentionally or otherwise! 

It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing.
--- Yes, totally.It is easier to be all business and tough in the day time but at night, it's a different ball game altogether. At night, when it's all dark and quieter, and you're all by your lonesome self, it's hard, very hard to be hard-boiled about everything. The evils, various pains and worries that you've suppressed in the day time, come out and overwhelm you as though Pandora's Box is opened once more... At night, the tough exterior exhausts itself and dissolves to reveal all one's true self and one's inner issues. 

I can't stand it to think my life is going so fast and I'm not really living it.
--- Oh, yes, yes and yes! Seconds turn to minutes and minutes to hours and hours to days and days to months and months to years... and years to many, many years...
Carpe Diem! Got to do that! Get that dream going and live the life that you want to live.

“Going to another country doesn’t make any difference. I’ve tried all that.You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There’s nothing to that.
--- Kind of sad isn't? We just can't get away from ourselves. No matter how hard we try to make things better sometimes, things just do not get better. Worse, we don't have the means to get away from ourselves.
Imagine, if you have a debilitating physical condition, you can't just leave yourself behind and continue life afresh somewhere else.

You can't leave your problems because you are the problem. So? Sadly, you have to live with yourself, whatever that self may be. 

{Other than quotes (which are from Ernest Hemingway's novel called "The Sun Also Rises", content is original. Please do not publish without quoting this blog or getting permission from the author, i.e., Me.} :) 

Friday 25 January 2013

10 Memory Techniques for Studying

I came across these very useful tips and I knew that I had to share! Personally, I employ a variety of these methods when teaching and for myself as a constant student. I like numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8! Also, without a doubt, adequate rest is crucial. Take a look at the 10 Memory Techniques and be a better learner!! After all, we need "input" to have "output"!
10 memory techniques for studying
By Patrick Loh | 25/09/2012

1. Jot down important points

Make short notes (in point form) on exercise books. Use only important keywords and not long-winded sentences. Organize and highlight notes according to topics and chapters to remember the work better.

2. Use visual images

Substitute words with visual images. This technique is best used for information that is hard to grasp in text format, such as Geography and science subjects. Your kids should paint a picture in their head while studying Geography. That visual image is bound to stay for as long as their brain can work. Do the same for science subjects such as Physics and Biology.

3. Read aloud to each other

When they don’t understand a subject, get them to read it out loud. The other technique is to get the teachers to explain the topics thoroughly. The description will definitely paint an image in their minds.

4. Relate topics to current events

They might come across certain topics that could be related to true events. Especially for Geography, History and general Science subjects -- it’s easier to relate them to something that happened in life, or something that happened in the news recently.

5. Present to your friends

Get your kids to sit their friends down and 'teach' them everything – chapter by chapter. These friends have to hold their own notes and textbooks to make sure your kid’s materials are correct at the time of the presentation. After that, switch roles with the friends and make them teach your kids. After the whole process, they might learn something new.

6. Use your notes as bedtime stories

Before bedtime, read through the notes that were made for the day. Apply visuals and verbal techniques if necessary. But only read through one topic a night; as cramming will only make them forget.

7. Write down mathematic equations

If your kid is a weak student in math, they shouldn’t rely on calculators when solving math equations. Write down every step possible on paper and make notes at the side as a reminder on how the equation was solved.

8. Use humour

Some subjects require a lot of memorization. One way to remember is to use humour. It’s easier to remember a funny joke than a long list of facts or figures

9. Excercise to release stress

Treating our body makes it easier to recall and process information better. Exercises help increase oxygen to our brain and may reduce the risk of memory loss.

10. Don't forget to sleep!

Getting enough rest is crucial. It’s difficult to remember (anything) when your kid is sleep-deprived. Subjects dealing with creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking require their brain to operate at full speed. Besides, sleep is necessary for memory stabilization. Memory enhancing activity occurs during the deepest stages of sleep, allowing them to remember clearly what they’ve learnt during the day. Don’t let them burn their midnight oil. Get them to bed early and wake them up early as well to continue what they’ve left off the night before.

All credits to the original writer and to 

Thursday 24 January 2013

The Power and Wonder of Spelling!

A short and rather amusing post :)

As teachers, we always emphasise the need to learn how to spell accurately. Doing so enables students to correctly convey what they want to say and bring across their intended meanings. We want to communicate clearly and not be misunderstood! 

Let's take a look at these:

ULTRAVIOLENT rays! *Oh My Goodness! Can you visualise them? I can!!* --> Ultraviolet rays

RELIVE stress!! *Faints! Why would one do that?* --> RELIEVE stress

Cash VULTURES!!! *Cash What?!?!* --> Cash VOUCHERS 

And a very dear man introducing his wife-to-be as.... my FINANCE! *Laughs Out Loud! Not exactly wrong though, if you get what I mean?* --> my FIANCÉE :)

Are your sides aching by now from all that laughing?

Thus, we can see that spelling correctly is not a trivial matter! Get it right or get laughed at! :) Have fun going through your spelling lists! 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

One of The Most Easily Monetized Skills in Singapore

The Power of Mastering Language
I believe that most of us are awed by people who are the whole package. With regard to today's post, people who possess the 'whole package' are those who can speak well and write well.
Language is one of the most easily monetized skills.
The following are a list of benefits, that comes from speaking any one language well. Not even being Shakespeare, but just speaking a language well:
  • You are able to convince people, because your statements make sense.
  • You can at least appear professional, in almost any job
  • You can read better, and you won’t be confused by complex e-mails, manuals, etc.
  • There is an almost universal need for content (technical manuals, websites, scripts, etc.)
  • There is a strong market for translation (especially Mandarin to English, or vice versa)
Language also has  the side-benefit of improving career options. It makes a better salesman, a potential copywriter, and a
fantastic liarfuture Public Relations expert.
The best part is, many companies are able to subsidise workplace literacy programs. You may end up paying the princely sum of $30 (after most subsidies) for the upgrade of a lifetime. Pick business English.
If your company doesn’t provide this course, enrol yourself.
{All credits to: for above information :)}
Basically, what this author is saying is that a strong command of (any) language, particularly English Language, will get you further in life. After all, as aforementioned countless times, English IS the Lingua Franca.
Remember, the 'whole package' is important. You've got to 'look the part, speak the part and write the part'! Makes perfect and lucrative sense to hone your English language, right now! :) 
{A lingua franca (or working languagebridge languagevehicular languageunifying language) is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.[1]Lingua francas have arisen around the globe throughout human history, sometimes for commercial reasons (so-called "trade languages") but also for diplomatic and administrative convenience, and as a means of exchanging information between scientists and other scholars of different nationalities.}
{All credits to:}

Outstanding Results from Primary 4 (2023) Student

Student, TKSJ, has been with me for several years and I am proud to see him becoming more mature and more willing to work extremely hard for...